Digital full game downloads and DLC spending grew 27 per cent in the US games market during Q2 2013.
That didn’t stop the sector experiencing a three per cent overall decline in the video games content sector, with the total falling to $2.88bn. When hardware is added the decline increased to nine per cent.
$769m was spent on new games throughout the period, with a further $343m spent on pre-owned and rental. Digital generated sales of $1.77bn.
"The decrease in new physical spending is partly due to the decline in the number of new SKU's released at retail, (with 37 per cent fewer new SKUs in Q2'13 compared to Q2'12) which is to be expected as developers, publishers and consumers alike prepare for the next hardware generation," NPD analyst Liam Callahan stated.
"Increases in digital format spending offset nearly all the losses from the declines in physical format spending, with digital full game downloads and downloadable content spending experiencing a combined 27 per cent increase (when compared to Q2'12).
“Spending increases occurred across both video games and PC games in the digital format."