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Thread: Fightoon cancelled - Homebrew commercial game

  1. #1

    Dreamcast Fightoon cancelled - Homebrew commercial game

    Fragger decided to cancel the project. You can see in the link a nice video about the Fightoon gameplay.

    What he said:

    Fightoon is not coming out in 2007. And it is not coming out in 2008 either.

    I am sorry to announce this, but the project has been cancelled.

    There are many reasons for this. I will list some, but there are some others that we prefer to keep in private. This is a sad event for us, and right now we just want to take some rest.

    In this topic I will explain why some aspects of the game are the way they are. There were many things I had to take in consideration when designing the game, and I want to let you know why some decisions were made. It is a lot easier to talk about these things now that the game is not coming out, since we don't have to worry about leaving bad impressions anymore.

    Right now I will only mention that we didn't have any music to put in it yet, so I used a freely available music for the sole purpose of recording this video. Except for the music and the Makaqu engine, everything else was completely developed from the ground up by me and Rodrigo.

    We want to thank everyone who gave their impressions about the game, and everyone who expressed interest in it. Sorry for not being able to get it done.

    Also, thanks to the GOAT Store for all their support.

    I will post again in a few days.

  2. #2


    I'm hoping he's going to release the source!

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie GagaMan's Avatar
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    Seeing just how much is there right now (quite a lot, actually, gameplay wise), it's a real shame that he won't even release demo of what he has produced so we can enjoy all that hard work he put into it. That video looked amazing: the unique gameplay elements like the road runner style ring outs, and the highly expressive faces on the characters makes this one of the most impressive homebrew productions on the Dreamcast I've seen to date.

  4. #4
    Dreamcast User Dull Blade's Avatar
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    Blade is some what dissapointed, but he doesnt suspect he would of bought it anyways.

  5. #5
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Hopefully it will endup on the internet as open source!

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Oh well...........

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