Ladies and gentleman, the moment you've all been waiting for. As expected, this afternoon's day-brightening news (or part of it, at least) arrived in Cupertino in the form of a brand-new handset. CEO Tim Cook took to the stage at Apple HQ to introduce the world to the iPhone 5s (lowercase "s," mind), the second of two handsets announced today. The new phone follows the number- / letter-naming scheme set in place way back in twenty 'o nine with the introduction of the 3GS and carried on with 2011's 4S. As with those handsets, the new device's name implies that this round is something of an iterative update to last year's iPhone 5. According to Phil Schiller, the handset is "the most forward-thinking phone we've ever created." As expected, it's set to arrive in three colors: black, silver and gold. The 5s is crafted in high-grade aluminum with chamfered edges.
What the the "s" stand for? Well, inside, you'll find a 64-bit A7 processor that features twice the number of transistors as its predecessor, clocking in at more than 1 billion, according to Schiller -- the CPU and GPU, meanwhile, promise speeds twice as fast. There's OpenGL ES 3.0 on board, but the next-gen handset still promises, thankfully, to remain compatible with the 32-bit apps of yesteryear. The 5s also rocks the new M7, which monitors motion data in real-time, with help from the accelerometer, gyroscope and compass -- a feature that'll work nicely with fitness apps like the new Nike+ Move.