EA has made the FIFA series the very best it can be on Xbox 360 and PS3 and is relishing the technical advances afforded to it by the next-gen.
That’s according to series producer Nick Channon who toldOXM that the game’s commitment to maintaining 60 frames per second meant there was not much more it could do with the game under current hardware restrictions.
"For us it's just about using the power of the machine, in terms of much more processing power and significantly more memory, and using the power of the Ignite engine to bring all these things together," he stated
"So that we take those new advantages to create elements we probably wouldn't have been able to do before. If you look at where we are with Xbox 360, we're obviously very proud of the game we've made, it's another great game this year, but we're starting to hit the limit of memory, which means that we can't easily add lots of new animations.
"Those shackles, if you like, are being released on the new consoles, and we're very proud of the innovations we've made on 14 and we'll continue to do that on 15, 16 and beyond. We wouldn't restrict ourselves for any reason."
All of which means, Channon claims, that the upcoming Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game – which have been developed by an entirely different team to that which made the current-gen release – are the definitive version of FIFA 14.
"We introduced the Player Impact system [with FIFA 12], which is a physics-driven collision system," Channon continued. "What we can now do with the extra processing power is project into the future. It may sound silly but it's crucial because it gives players positional awareness.
"It allows them to be much more natural in how they interact. And there's no way we could do those kinds of complex calculations and maintain 60 frames a second on current generation consoles."
