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Thread: PSP needs a AAA title, says Sony

  1. #21
    DCEmu Legend
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    psp Finally, someone noticed...

    Its good that people are finally taking notice. My opinions on this come from my history with the PSP. Never mind homebrew, I was in line at a Best Buy the morning of the PSP's launch to be one of the first to get one. I've played or at least tried out most commercial PSP games. Unfortunately, I've come to think that the UMD is an inconvenience and gets in the way of a lot of games enjoyment with loading times. Now this could be resolved with a faster UMD optical drive but there are some really stellar games for the PSP that have little or no load times when playing on UMD so there should be no excuse for developers.

    Also, what makes the DS Lite so special is that it is so intuitive. And more than that, its capabilities are utilized smartly in most games. With the microphone, WiFi, touch screen, rumble pak, headset, etc. etc.

    I scratch my head at how the DS Lite, a less powerful handheld device can have so many more games use "infrastructure" WiFi. Not just adhoc like most PSP games. Also, the DS Lite has a few games that you can actually use a headset on to talk to other people. And the PSP, which is more powerful and functional as an "online" WiFi device has what? Like 2 games that use the headset? That is an insult.

    I agree with an earlier post saying that an MMORPG type game could be a killer-app for the PSP. Infrastructure WiFi should be included on all or most PSP games. Better yet, SONY should have created its own PSP WiFi network with friend codes or gamer tags by now. I know its copying Nintendo/Microsoft but its better than nothing. And what adds insult to injury is that a lot of games that offer their own infrastructure networking don't even do it that well. You might as well be playing against a computer AI opponent because you can't communicate via text or voice. Instead we get ready-made 2 or 3 word phrases like "Are you ready" or some silly stuff like that.

    If this long post is any indication, this is probably the biggest gripe I have with the PSP and I get really heated when trying to express my disappointment over it.

    The bottom line is that with the prevalence of broadband and the ease of setting up a wireless router or wifi adapter, not to mention hotspots (PSP now has free T-mobile hotspot access) games should utilize that. How great it would be to walk into a Starbucks and see 3 or 4 people on a PSP in some incredibly addictive online game.

    All the things most people want with a PSP and commercial games especially is possible. However, unlike Nintendo, SONY doesn't seem to want to give us the freedom of a more intuitive and personalized gaming experience. And that is one of the biggest failures of the PSP.

    Its not too late for the PSP but if the mad sales of the DS Lite is any clue to the future, SONY better act fast. And if they are somehow hoping a new revised "slim" PSP might turn things around, it won't. The games matter first and foremost. And what's even worse is if SONY intends to offer new features for games that will ONLY work on a new PSP. That will piss off and probably be the final straw for many PSP owners. I am not even finished with my rant but this has gotten long enough and I think I made a few good points that other people can relate to.

    And in closing, I wish the most anticipated handheld game for me was a PSP game but its not. Its A DS game. The Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass...

    But look on the bright side PSP owners. Surf's Up & Shrek the Third came out for the PSP this week. Yipee! :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by masterpaul View Post
    Now they noticed... they need an AAA title that isn't a port or that wont be ported.
    Exactly. The PSP is so great but lacks games that REALLY stand out. Now there are some really great games for the PSP. And those games would not work on the DS Lite, but still the PSP lacks games that make everyone want one.

    Quote Originally Posted by White_Hawk_UK View Post
    Anyone else get the feeling that Sony went about this whole thing half-$#@!ed? As much as I love my PSPs, and the games I play on them, there's still this sort of... unfinished/unsupported feel to the console.
    That quote sums it up nicely also. It is clear the PSP was rushed to market but 2 1/2 years later and not seeing many genre defining killer app games makes me really worried.

  2. #22
    DCEmu Newbie zonnikku's Avatar
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    DJ Max Portable is the AAA game, actually.

    I've played that game more than every other PSP game I own.

    Too bad it's not Japanese, or perhaps they would have realized how good it is. :|
    I'm actually a bit surprised not a single person has even mentioned the game... thought it would be somewhat popular by now.

    DJ Max Portable might be a port of a Korean PC MMO, but the notecharts along with other features have been made to be portable (including the sweet OST mode), and it never gets old.

    Honestly, I wouldn't care if they kept going and made another one after DJ Max Portable 2.
    I'd easily go and buy it.

  3. #23
    DCEmu Regular Sharkey's Avatar
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    If they would get Bethesda to release TES4 Oblivion Travels I'm sure alot of people would buy one just for that game. If I didn't already have a couple I would. It would help sales dramatically also.

  4. #24
    Fidei Defensor Basil Zero's Avatar
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    Not yet, but will in future:

    FFVII Crisis Core
    God of War Chains of Olympus

  5. #25

  6. #26
    PSP User Solidsnake3000's Avatar
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    man i see were u guys are going but your right sony needs an mmorpg like i stated in another post if pokemon was on psp and u can interact with other players using a headset and all it would make alot of money plus all games should have infrastructure imagine playing dbz against some one u dont know it would be fun ass hell or if harvest moon was a mmorpg you can have a farm next to ur best freind orsomething iam just throwing things out but if psp had an infrastructure for its games people would be rushing to the stores to buy the games and psp and forget all about the ds

  7. #27
    DCEmu Legend mike_jmg's Avatar
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    Three words: Devil May Cry (i now, port, not killer game, so what I would love to have it on PSP)

    I Think the new God of War would be a start, also Iīm waiting for Dead Head Fred, Disgaea portable, Naruto (donīt remember the complete name LOL), Crazy Taxi Fare Wars.

    Also Veskgar has a very good point, playing against other players over the internet itīs the killer feature they need. It would be the best thing on earth for me to kick anyoneīs butt on Tekken DR over the internet, in fact I thought this feature was on the game but all they gave me was stupid Ad-Hoc and Iīve been only able to fight against the computer (Not nearly as fun as it would be playing against someone else)

    Almost no game has that feature, A friend of mine has Online Chess Kingdoms and Heīs like all day playing chess online against other players (little freaky though, lol)

    So yeah if sony wants a killer move thatīs it, some sort of online gaming, better yet if it is on Tekken

  8. #28
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I dont get these people who say GoW is gonna be THE psp game. The thing isnt even finished yet, how the hell do they know its gonna be that great for sure?
    the psp really needs games that are NOT ps2 ports, thatīs all.

  9. #29
    PSP User Solidsnake3000's Avatar
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    they need a game thats like .hack but not really i mean it wont look like anyone from .hack but its an mmorpg u make ur own character with like i million designs to choose from and u pick ur class and u go around fightin talking with the headsets or osmethin generally it would be like .hack but way different does anyone agree?

  10. #30
    DCEmu Regular Ultima Chocochu's Avatar
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    They need something new, not re-done
    If they're just putting out games that have already been released for PS2 then it's stupid
    You notice a HUGE difference in how it handles, and when I say re-done, I mean like GTALCS done(which I love that game though XD)
    They need something like Nintendo has Pokemon for the handheld.

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