With apps designed to 'revolutionise the way people find sexual partners,' it stands to reason that people may feel slightly nervous when their partner's phone vibrates.
Comparison site www.mobilephonechecker.co.uk has found that men in the UK are twice as likely to snoop through their partner's mobile than women.
The survey of more than 2,000 Brits that are in relationships found that 62 per cent of men have dug around their partner's device, falling to 34 per cent for women.
89 per cent had done so to find out whether their significant other had been talking to anyone else sexually, while 52 per cent know their partner's passcode so that they can snoop around their handset.
48 per cent of snoopers admitted to finding incriminating evidence, which arrived as texts and Facebook messages at 53 per cent and 42 per cent respectively.
Interestingly, 59 per cent of women would confront their other half if they found proof of cheating, while just 37 per cent of mean would broach the subject.
31 per cent of people would consider ending the relationship if they discovered a partner had been looking through their mobile phone.
Meanwhile, 36 per cent claim they would never allow a partner to go through their mobile phone without their knowledge and 29 per cent of respondents keep mobile phones with them at all times to avoid the possibility of a ‘snooping’ situation.
