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Thread: Yet another DC project

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Yet another DC project

    Hi, this is my first post.
    Please don't be angry for many questions I may do, I know I have a lot to read on this cool forum.

    Yes, I know that I'm a few years off... DC was officially dead a few years. Still, to me it is my second favorite console after Nintendo Wii and the number one for before Nintendo Wii release.

    I have many many questions about DreamCast but first I'll expose my project, so all of you DC Gurus can give an opinion of what is or isn't possible to do.

    Code named DCBot, the idea is to turn on or more DC into a single robot that actually does something interesting.

    Many ideas come to mind but many questions and problems to.

    Why DC?
    Because I love DC and want to tribute it by showing to the world how far can it go.

    How it will work?
    I intend to create a custom Ni Battery for DC to live for yet undetermined hours, some unfortunate laptop will suffer so I can get a few parts.

    How it will look?
    No idea yet.

    Why are you saying this to us?
    A tiny hope that someone find this interesting enough to participate on my project. I'll promise to report fully everything I do on video, text, photos, etc. DCBot isn't something that I want to own, DCBot is more like an ultimate project that will belong to the world, a fully open source, open architecture robot for future inspirations.

    Should I say more about this?

    Please, feel free to flame or comment me because it's still best than not receiving any feedback at all.

    Thanks for reading.

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Thank you Christuserloeser, I'll be posting about it soon then.

  4. #4


    For now I have been to busy working but I'm planing on starting this project as soon as possible.

    I bought the domain DCBot.org for logging purposes and also hardware schematics share, software share and most important one... opinions share aka brain storm.

    Say around, hope to have news on the interesting part of the project soon...

    Ah! I opened one of my DC's, you can take a look at my blog DiogoStuart.com.

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