Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (Pro Evo 2007 in states) online via Xbox Live has recently been diabolical. A recent update to the game causes players to disconnect from matches at random times, resulting in both a defeat on your record plus a higher disconnection rate. What would happen is you would be disconnected and a message would appear saying "your connection to Xbox Live has been severed". A quick search on google shows that this is a worldwide problem, and gamers, especially on Konami's official boards, are furious.

However, today I decided to play some Pro Evo 6 on PS2, as Im pretty tired myself of the horrible Live service. Surprisingly, Konami have issued an apology to Xbox 360 users... via their PS2 Pro Evo Servers. The message read something like "Konami realise that xbox 360 owners are experiencing disconnections and we are working to fix the problem. We apologise for the recent inconvenience".

Strange that Konami would issue such a statement on their PS2 Servers. Obviously Microsoft run their own servers for most live games (including Pro Evo 6) and therefore Konami might not have as much free control, but how hard would it be for them to send Xbox Live users this statement via a simple update or even a text message?
