Via Punch Jump News

Sales for Sony Corp.'s Playstation 3 fell 7 percent in the latest retail tally from Japan.

Media Create Co. on Fri. reported that the PS3 sold 8,998 units between May 28 and June 3, a decrease from 9,627 units the week prior.

Additionally, the PS3 did not rank any software titles in the top 50 game sales for the week.

Prior Playstation hardware offerings continue to hold stronger sales in Japan, with the PSP moving 26,358 units and the PS2 selling 11,814 units in the same period.

This week, Sony said that it will cut a portion of its U.S game workforce. The company restructure protocol comes amid slow sales for the console in the U.S. and abroad.

This, month Sony will release a $499 stand-alone Blu-ray player to the U.S., citing lower production costs for the high-definition disc drive. It currently retails sells the PS3 in the U.S. for $599.

The company has shipped 5.5 million PS3 units worldwide to date.