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Thread: PS1 Emulator on PSP

  1. #1

    Default PS1 Emulator on PSP

    Hi there guys and girls.

    Okay basically I have my PSP as version 1.5, and I've installed PSX-P Alpha 2 as an emulator for, what I'm guessing, PS1 games.

    I've put Parapa the Rapper, and FF7 (disc 1) onto the emulator on my PSP, done all of the steps, and when I load the programme on my PSP it all works fine, then it allows me to choose the game I want, when I press X, the screen goes black, then does nothing.

    Is it because these games aren't supported yet?

    How do so many people manage to play games theyve downloaded from the internet on their PSP?

    Am I doing something wrong with this emulator.

    Any help would be appreciated, please be honest, and very obvious as I'm very new to all of this!

    Thank you

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie dylandangles's Avatar
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    That emulator is outdated and slow.

    My advice is for you to upgrade to 3.XX OE. It can play Ps1 games that are in eboot form straight from the XMB and it's full speed.

  3. #3


    Basically I downloaded FF7 for PSP and it created 3 folders, each one with an EBOOT.pbp file in.

    Do you have any information that may help me upgrade to 3.xx OE? And sorry to sound like a complete noob, what is XMB and how do I get it?


  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie dylandangles's Avatar
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    The games you downloaded were made to run on OE firmwares since they are in eboot form.
    I can't help you install the games or get them working but I can help you install 3.40OE.

    And XMB is the main menu of the psp. Where you launch homebrew from.

    What you will need to do is upgrade to 3.40 OE-A custom firmware. Don't worry, it's very safe. There is a small chance could brick though since it writes to the flash so don't hold me accountable if anything goes wrong. But hey, I've done this numerous times without any problems. Nothing will go wrong as long as you follow the instrustions in the readme.

    Heres what you will need:
    1.5 Update
    3.40 Update

    Here's the readme for instrustions. Follow those exactly and nothing will go wrong.
    Quote Originally Posted by readme
    3.40 Open Edition REvision A

    Installation instructions:

    - Copy oeupdmaker and oeupdmaker% to /PSP/GAME if you are in 1.50, or to /PSP/GAME150 if you
    are in any SE/OE version. Get the 1.50 and 3.40 Sony updaters (of any region, because all are
    currently the same), and copy them in the oeupdmaker directory with the names 150.PBP and 340.PBP.

    Execute the program, and it will generate the DATA.DXAR file. The checksums (althoug the flasher
    will check for them for you):

    CRC32: CDA4638D
    MD5: 9754F2CC0CBE2D8FE0DD009C90FDCD9F
    SHA1: 6F76BB67B31EFF6FECB72D9D4AF443C793E1E521

    - Copy 340oeflasher and 340oeflasher% to /PSP/GAME if you are in 1.50, or to /PSP/GAME150 if you
    are in any SE/OE version. Move the DATA.DXAR to 340oeflasher directory.

    You need 75% battery, although you can skip this if you pressed L+triangle while loading the program.

    Changes 3.30 OE-A -> 3.40 OE-A

    - Updated from 3.30 firmware to 3.40

    - Security patch: Fixed a bug that has been in all 3.XX OE, that caused random data to be written to a location
    in lcdc.prx or (in worst case) emc_sm.prx ram space.

    - Autboot that is missing since 3.03 OE-C has been reimplemented.

    - Improvements in the flasher. It will now generate also the flash1 directories, and it will
    check that the dxar is the correct for this update, so no more bricks by accidentally using
    other DATA.DXAR.

    Note about pops. I recommend people to backup their savedata before proceeding to change them
    (Sony has changed the savedata format, and they force you to change the format in 3.40 if you want to play them).
    If a plugin to load previous firmwares pops appear, the savedata will have to be in the old format for those firmwares,
    that's why it is better to have a backup of them. Psx savedatas are in /PSP/SAVEDATA/[code of game]

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  5. #5


    ZOMG!! No piracy talk on dcemu.

  6. #6


    Thank you I've sorted out the firmware. Do I just simply copy the eboot files onto my psp or do I now need an emulator of some sort?

    Thank you for all your help.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie dylandangles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parkermauney View Post
    ZOMG!! No piracy talk on dcemu.

    Fixed it kinda

    Quote Originally Posted by Stigmatized View Post
    Thank you I've sorted out the firmware. Do I just simply copy the eboot files onto my psp or do I now need an emulator of some sort?

    Thank you for all your help.
    I can't really help you on that part since it's against the rules here. Sorry

  8. #8


    No i was talking to the other dude, your post just showed up before mine.

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