Mighty No. 9, a modernised spiritual successor to Mega Man, will now be developed for Xbox 360, PS3 and Nintendo's Wii U, following a huge backing for the game on Kickstarter.
The "classic side-scrolling action game" is being developed by the co-creator and longstanding custodian of the Mega Man series, Keiji Inafune, and immediately gained significant backing from the community. Following its reveal on Kickstarter in early September, the project had raised more than $800,000 within three days.

Now with the initial funding target met, Inafune's team is listing additional rewards if further milestones are reached. The team pledged it would port the PC game to current-gen systems if funding surpassed $2.2 million - a goal which was achieved on Monday.
The next major stretch goal is $3.3 million, which would result in versions for PS4 and Xbox One. Fourteen days remain on the Kickstarter page.
Following Capcom's decision to cancel an internal Mega Man project, Inafune announced in October 2010 that he would resign as head of development at the publisher. Later he established his own company, Comcept.
His work at the corporation covers numerous successful series over three decades, from Onimusha to Dead Rising and Mega Man.
Mighty No. 9, now in pre-production, follows the story of Beck - a character with a reconfigurable body who bears a striking resemblance to the Mega Man character. It is said the new game "takes the best aspects of the 8- and 16-bit era classics you know and love, and transforms them with modern tech, fresh mechanics, and fan input into something fresh and amazing".
"You play as Beck, the 9th in a line of powerful robots, and the only one not infected by a mysterious computer virus that has caused mechanized creatures the world over to go berserk. Run, jump, blast, and transform your way through six stages you can tackle in any order you choose, using weapons and abilities stolen from your enemies to take down your fellow Mighty Number robots and confront the final evil that threatens the planet!"
The estimated release date is spring 2015.
Comcept's core team features developers with extensive experience at Capcom and have contributed to numerous Mega Man projects. Staff includes Naoya Tomita (level designer of the original Mega Man) and Manami Matsumae (who composed the soundtrack of the original).
