via PS3 Fanboy

The European PSN Store is a bit of a tragic tale, as we're sure you've noticed. According to Three Speech, however, that's about to change with two new games available to download before the end of the month. None of that Midway rehash rubbish, either. These are full, specially made for PSN, titles. Ok, I've kept you in suspense long enough, check out the list below.
  • Calling All Cars - 22nd of June (£4.99)
  • Super Stardust HD - 29th of June (£4.99)
Not too shabby, eh? While our US cousins have had Calling All Cars for a month now, Super Stardust HD should be a worldwide release. If you're as impatient for these games as we are then you might also like to know that this coming friday, the 15th, sees the release of the highly anticipated Motorstorm patch.

Looks like Sony are finally pulling their finger out with their PSN releases. Let's just hope it continues beyond the end of June.