
Marat Fayzullin has release a new version of his AlmostTI port for android. AlmostTI emulates various graphing Texas Instruments calculator based on Z80.

I have updated AlmostTI-Android, my TI graphing calcs emulator, to version 2.2.8:

The previous AlmostTI version only kept one information on one ROM file for each calculator model. In this release, I have made the ROM Selector memorize the complete list of all found firmware ROMs, so that you do not need to rescan every time. Also reordered information dialogs that show up when AlmostTI starts.

  • Now keeping complete list of found ROMs, no need to rescan for less used ROMs.
  • Added explicit "Quit" menu option, for people who cannot find BACK key.
  • Added Twitter button to the change log, use it to keep track of updates.
  • Ordered initial dialogs by importance (About, Change Log, Progress).