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Thread: MapThis! .499 limitations, functionality...

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default MapThis! .499 limitations, functionality...

    Now that I have everything up and running....
    Holux 240, Mapthis! 0.499 beta on 3.40OE.

    I am now trying to see what all I can do with this great app. I see the ability to

    1. Create POIs, both in GMDL, as well as directly on the PSP.
    2. Create "point A to B directions" via GMDL (not directly via the PSP, at least not that I can find...)
    3. Set a marker, and trace a location to a destination. (not sure what the purpose is)
    4. Address lookup
    5. Reverse address lookup
    6. Reset trip data (what does this do really?)

    And I'm sure there are other functions, these are the highlights as I've found them.

    So with all of that said, here's what I'm looking to do, and am wondering if it's already possible, and I just don't know now, or if it's a feature that hasn't been added to the application yet:

    1. I'd like to be able to start at point A, and then locate a point B (destination by address lookup, or just manually placing the cursor in this spot on a map) And have the app draw me a route to take. I think this is something that most of the Garmins, and TomTom's do, and for me, is one of the biggest features. Now, I know that I can create a "route" via GMDL, and then download it to the PSP, but I'm looking to be able to do this on the fly, as I drive around a city. Is this possible?

    2. When browsing a map on the PSP, it would be nice to have some way to jump a page at a time, rather than having to use the analog stick. (it's just painfully slow, at many of the zoom levels.)

    3. I've read others post about this, but as I'm creating a list of "feature enhancements" I'll go ahead and mention it again. it would be nice to not have to use headphones, since the PSP has speakers built in. I somewhat understand that the use of the serial port necessitates the headphones, but there is bound to be a way to route it back through the PSP speakers.

    4. It would be great to have a "help > about" screen, so that we can figure out which version we last applied

    I don't want these to all sound like gripes, as many of them may already be possble, I've just not figured them out yet. So I actually bring all of this up, so that perhaps we can focus on "usage" posts, in this thread, to compliment all of the "installation FAQ" posts we already have. I just haven't found much data about how to actually use the app.

    Let me know if I've simply missed the boat somehow, and thanks in advance for any constructive comments any of you might have to offer.

    - Meier3283

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie atari800's Avatar
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    1. The PS is not a Application specific product. Do you see TOM-TOM or Garmin playing games, watching movies or playing music?. That is way MapThis "taps" off of google maps via another application to provide the route. Put it this way, if you had a local map of Delaware in front of you and and you live in Arizona and I said "get me from your house (in Delaware) to the local postoffice"...without knowing that area, how hard would it be for you? *Mind you a local map doesnt have post office, bars, resturants, nor which way roads go or if they are one way streets, in addition to you looking at all routes to the post office and finding "shortest route" and fastest" routes usable. Those other devices are specifically built to read their own maps and points of interest which can calculate this stuff.. Wont (probably) happen in this version.

    2. This probably could happen...but going on higher zoom (hit down several times) and skootching the thumb button around can get yuo where you are looking at in under 10 seconds.

    3. get the GPS-290 adapter for the TOP of the psp...speakers are usable on PSP...I use the PSP speakers

    4. If it doesnt say UNOFFICIAL on the screen prior to launching...looking at very bottom right side when it loads. Version is there

    Comment and requests may be good to this crew but remember, they are making a handheld video game into something that is current "specifically" built and for sale in a store. Does Gameboy have this feature? Atari Lynx? nintendo DS?

    Somethings are way more difficult than it sounds.
    It's like someone saying "be a millionaire, like that guy in the next block over. You live in a house, right? So does he..."

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Chill Atari800, I've been around the software "block" for a while, I know what I'm asking, and I even know what a PSP is for "mainly". I also know, if you don't even try to make something better, it falls to $#@!. Take a step back, and re-read what you wrote, and chill out.

    I'm just trying to get the most of of the app AND the device, is that wrong? Isn't that the point of making more than one release of any software package, contstant improvements? Jeeez.

    I've found the version in the Help > About screen, thanks.

    Remember, I asked for constructive comments, you're on the line buddy...

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by meier3283 View Post
    Chill Atari800, I've been around the software "block" for a while, I know what I'm asking, and I even know what a PSP is for "mainly". I also know, if you don't even try to make something better, it falls to $#@!. Take a step back, and re-read what you wrote, and chill out.

    I'm just trying to get the most of of the app AND the device, is that wrong? Isn't that the point of making more than one release of any software package, contstant improvements? Jeeez.

    I've found the version in the Help > About screen, thanks.

    Remember, I asked for constructive comments, you're on the line buddy...
    All is fine, gentlemen, all is fine...

    Atari800 had answered pretty much all your questions I believe.

    1) is really just a question of getting the right database ( which is usually protected really well, since that's one of the key features of an off-the-shelf GPS system ) and of course the route computing algorithm. The latter we could do as you pointed it out. So, if you know a freely available database with the description of the database, please let us know and we will investigate.

    2) On top of what Atari800 said; if you hold the left button ( on the left side of the PSP ), the movement speed is 2x. This is an UI issue only, suggestions are welcome!

    3) this is a great request, but I believe is a hardware limitation. If there are hardware guys out there, please have a look. If they think it is a firmware limitation, the firmware needs to be changed. Either way, this is beyond the focus of this group I believe.

    ... personally, I don't think Atari800 was aggressive enough to have a need of chilling....

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie atari800's Avatar
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    Didnt mean to be brush you the wrong way, meier3283 ...just wanted to put things into perspective. Some people ask for more and more without realizing what they are asking for.

    I didnt see an attack - nor did I mean to insult your intelligence.

    /|\ p o l o g i z i n g to meier3283

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Sorry atari800, the over simplified analogies set me off. It shouldn't have.

    The 2x thing does help a bit, and I understand what you both describe on the other points. I was just making sure I wasn't just missing functionality that already existed in the app. I've had it for a whole two days

    We'll see what .5 holds and perhaps we'll find that coveted database laying around on an unprotect ftp server somewhere ;-D

    thanks guys

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie atari800's Avatar
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    *maybe the over simplified analogies will bring some perspective to others


  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by meier3283 View Post
    Now that I have everything up and running....
    Holux 240, Mapthis! 0.499 beta on 3.40OE.

    I am now trying to see what all I can do with this great app. I see the ability to

    1. Create POIs, both in GMDL, as well as directly on the PSP.
    2. Create "point A to B directions" via GMDL (not directly via the PSP, at least not that I can find...)
    3. Set a marker, and trace a location to a destination. (not sure what the purpose is)
    4. Address lookup
    5. Reverse address lookup
    6. Reset trip data (what does this do really?)

    And I'm sure there are other functions, these are the highlights as I've found them.

    So with all of that said, here's what I'm looking to do, and am wondering if it's already possible, and I just don't know now, or if it's a feature that hasn't been added to the application yet:

    1. I'd like to be able to start at point A, and then locate a point B (destination by address lookup, or just manually placing the cursor in this spot on a map) And have the app draw me a route to take. I think this is something that most of the Garmins, and TomTom's do, and for me, is one of the biggest features. Now, I know that I can create a "route" via GMDL, and then download it to the PSP, but I'm looking to be able to do this on the fly, as I drive around a city. Is this possible?

    2. When browsing a map on the PSP, it would be nice to have some way to jump a page at a time, rather than having to use the analog stick. (it's just painfully slow, at many of the zoom levels.)

    3. I've read others post about this, but as I'm creating a list of "feature enhancements" I'll go ahead and mention it again. it would be nice to not have to use headphones, since the PSP has speakers built in. I somewhat understand that the use of the serial port necessitates the headphones, but there is bound to be a way to route it back through the PSP speakers.

    4. It would be great to have a "help > about" screen, so that we can figure out which version we last applied

    I don't want these to all sound like gripes, as many of them may already be possble, I've just not figured them out yet. So I actually bring all of this up, so that perhaps we can focus on "usage" posts, in this thread, to compliment all of the "installation FAQ" posts we already have. I just haven't found much data about how to actually use the app.

    Let me know if I've simply missed the boat somehow, and thanks in advance for any constructive comments any of you might have to offer.

    - Meier3283
    Hi where can i get mapthis .499 im searching all over but can't find it. can you please be kind and tell me where to find it. or can you give me a link for it.

    Thank You

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