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Thread: generation one software blues

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Question generation one software blues

    okay let me do my math real quick ,, the psp is slightly more powerful then the ps2,, or so all the pages i have looked on at system specs have led me to believe, also noted that the psp uses a simmeler if not in some cases the same development kit.. then my question is , how come the first generation software for the psp ,, doesnt quite rivel the late generatrion ps2 stuff, i mean . how come people are all itchy for coded arms , when games like area 51 should already be possible for the psp, even at this point, i mean the best game i have played on psp so far would have to be metal gear acid, and game play wise i like it, i like it a lot, and dont get me wrong it is a beautiful game, . but still the graphics dont quite commpare to mgs2. real close ,, but not quite, let alone the extrodenarily beautiful mgs3, which by all means it should be able to. if there is some real reason for this that i am overlooking, somone please let me know ,, otherwise , there is no excuse for this other then lazy programmers,,,, .. there is this one issue i have been batting around in my head, . storage space,, but still. ,,, any comments

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Give it time my friend. I dunno whether you like Baseball games or not, but both MLB and MVP on the PSP are missing many features found in there platform/PS2 counterparts. I think that they, along with many other PSP titles were rushed. But I also think upcoming games will be better quality.

    Think about the $$$ Rockstar could have had if they had a GTA at launch. They could have done a halfass game or $hit, even port one of the old GTAs. But they didn't. They are taking the time to do it right.

    Madden is another example. The PSP version is coming out a little later than the other platforms. Hopefully, EA is trying to get it perfect on PSP.

    Have faith dude. Play Darkstalkers

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Bump 4 shadowprophet. I thought this thread would get a lot more attention.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    There's a very good reason why PSP games don't look as good as (or better than) PS2 games right now. Read my article on the topic:

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