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Thread: ScummVM 0.X.0: "Tic-tac-toe edition" out now!!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
    Join Date
    May 2006
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    Default ScummVM 0.X.0: "Tic-tac-toe edition" out now!!

    Finally, here it is! Our long awaited, best-ever new release, ScummVM 0.X.0 (or 0.10.0, for those roman numeral challenged amongst you), code named "Tic-tac-toe edition", has arrived today. Now available in stores, err, on download servers worldwide!

    "What's new? What's in it? Can I open it up yet?" - Hah, I can already see you shifting impatiently on your seats. But before you run, let me shed some light on the details of this latest installment of the successful ScummVM series:

    * Several new engines and thus new games supported:
    o Sierra AGI engine: Space Quest I & II, King's Quest I-III and many more, including a vast number of fan-made games,
    o Cinematique evo 1 engine: Future Wars,
    o GOB engine: Bargon Attack, Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, Ween: The Prophecy,
    o AGOS engine: Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack,
    o Parallaction engine: Nippon Safes Inc.,
    o Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer engine.
    * DXA movies (higher quality than MPEG2) can be compressed better now and can be used for the Broken Sword cutscenes.
    * Added 'Mass Add' feature to the Launcher, which allows you to scan for all games in all subdirectories of a given directory (to use it, press shift then click on "Add Game").
    * Many nice improvements to our ports.
    * And as usual a gazillion small fixes, tweaks and improvements.

    So, what are you waiting for? Go and grab your free copy of the best-ever ScummVM while it's still hot!

    P.S.: The download mirrors are a bit slow when it comes to syncing, hence it can happen that your download fails or is corrupt after the first try. Don't give up, just try to download from another mirror!

    Download HERE

  2. #2



    - Can't wait to see the Dreamcast port in action

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Rep Power


    Holy crap!

    This means that if I build a game using AGI studio I can play it ON MY DREAMCAST!

    Thats AWESOME!

    So friggin' sweet...

    I wonder if ScummVM will ever support the Quest for Glory series? That would be the ultimate.

    The American Dreamcaster.

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