News/release from Dark Knight ez:

This wifi-loader program should work with any slot-1 card, as long as you have the EZ-Flash 3-in-1 card inserted in slot-2.
This wifi loader is a quick upgrade of the EZ-Flash IV wifiloader created by Micah Dowty.
If you're familiar with that program, you'll know how to use this.

Basicly what it does is...
The program registers itself on a wifi access point as a certain IP address.
It will then accept a .ds.gba file you send at that IP address at port 6502.

The sending itself is done with netcat.
The .ds.gba will actually be stored on your EZ-Flash 3-in-1 card's PSRAM in your slot-2, and then loaded from it.

Now, once you've transmitted the entire program... kill the sending program (Ctrl+C) so the connection is terminated, and the wifi-loader program on your DS will know it has received all data.
Then you can press any button to start up the transferred .ds.gba, which will then be copied from the EZ-Flash 3-in-1 card to the DS's main RAM and booted.

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