A bundle including a PS4 console, two DualShock 4 controllers, Killzone Shadow Fall and a PlayStation Camera is coming to the UK.
That’s according to Eurogamer, which says the bundle will retail for €499 in Europe. That converts to just under £430 which, as if you needed reminding, is the same price as the Xbox One with one controller and Kinect will cost.
Of course, if you secure a Day One Edition of Microsoft’s machine you’ll also get a free copy of FIFA 14.
"It'll be similarly benchmarked in euro equivalent. PlayStation 4 is £349 and €399, so it will be the same equivalent,” Sony UK boss Fergal Gara told the site.
"It will be no more than a tenner either way [of the Xbox One price] depending on what conversation rate we use on the given day. It is in limited volume, and therefore it is probably going to go mainly to current pre-order customers, then follow-up volume may well be post-Christmas.”
Gara also confirmed not only that other pre-order bundles are on the way, but also that those who had already pre-ordered Sony’s machine will be contacted and offered the chance to upgrade.
"Everybody who has pre-ordered in the expectation they're getting just the PS4, including the DualShock 4 and the headset – the basic configuration,” Gara added. “But as we've worked through the details and worked through the options we've come up with some great bundle offers. And it is only fair the first people in the queue get first chance to get that.
"It's a brilliant thing to do for the gamer. In theory there could be some free on day one, but I think it's unlikely, because the people in that queue are going to say yes please."
