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Thread: Homebrewers and Hackers - The #1 Video Games Fans

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    General games Homebrewers and Hackers - The #1 Video Games Fans

    Im sure you have heard by now about the Lumines Exploit on PSP which opens all Firmwares to Homebrew and eventually downgraders etc.

    As a community throughout many Homebrew and Hacking Sites we have taken the likes of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo on and defeated them.

    Many have sacrificed their consoles in search of exploits and ways to get homebrew working, a sacrifice that no ordinary videogames fan would do.

    Work goes on now trying to bring in new exploits and hacks for the Nintendo Wii, PS3 and Xbox360 and in time we will be playing homebrew on these consoles.

    As a community of fans we visit coders and news sites many times a day looking for new releases or tidbits of news, we as a community are in my mind the most loyal community out of all. Look at the Dreamcast, Atari and Amiga Scenes if it wasnt for homebrewers these consoles/computers would have been forgotten about years ago.

    So who agrees that we the Homebrew and Hacking Community are the Number 1 Video Games Fans ?


  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    So who agrees that we the Homebrew and Hacking Community are the Number 1 Video Games Fans ?
    I do, even those of who don't sacrafice our consoles or equipment, or even code, downloaders and installers of homebrew, especially emulators, are the most hardcore gamers because they are the ones who want tons of video games to get on one game system, like the psp.

    I mean, no non hardcore fan of VG's would ever go to such great lengths as to risk their psp to downgrade to be able to put TONS of (usually old school) games on one console for whereever they go.

    Most people just use one game at a time, which is fine, but i don't believe they are hardcore 'in general'...they may be hardcore of that one game, but not TONS of games...

  3. #3
    PS3 User Mister Klownes's Avatar
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    Aye! Here here!

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie R4mbo's Avatar
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    Yes, I do. Fight for the Liberty of all Gamers! Against restrictions!

  5. #5


    Yeah I agree, systems get revived via homebrew

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie ficksucker's Avatar
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    It's not that we're hardcore gamers, but the homebrew community enjoys games without jumping through all of Sony's hoops. We encourage each other and create whereas casual gamers only consume.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Legend
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    Well concerning the PSP, homebrew has definitely enhanced the value and opinion of the PSP. Objectively speaking, if I bought a new PSP today and upgraded it to SONY 3.50 firmware to only play some UMD games, I'd constantly come back to my homebrew-enabled PSP.

    And what is one of the biggest gripes with commercial PSP games? Load times! Load times whether they are occasional LONG load times or constant pauses for frequent "disc access" have been mentioned in a lot of reviews for PSP games giving them lower overall scores.

    However, with a custom firmware homebrew PSP I am more tempted to buy more games because once you back them up to a good quality memory stick, load times are drastically reduced if not altogether eliminated.

    Another example is with the recent development of the Lumines exploit. Today I bought a 2nd copy of Lumines. I also had bought 2 copies of GTA (unpatched) so in certain scenario's homebrew can cause people to rush out and buy certain games helping with sales and profits for SONY and its developers.

    So homebrew has made me one of the most hardcore PSP fans. The PSP homebrew scene has consumed a lot of my time and is definitely a big part of my life as dorky as that sounds.

    I am constantly on a mission to get more people excited about PSP homebrew and the possibilities it presents.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veskgar View Post
    so in certain scenario's homebrew can cause people to rush out and buy certain games helping with sales and profits for SONY and its developers.
    no, i'm pretty sure it causes people to rush out to buy an 8 dollar game and download 20 more lol...whether it be for snes, nes, gba, psp, ps1, etc...

  9. #9
    DCEmu Pro XDelusion's Avatar
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    Amiga and Atari...

    ...that's really where all this started for me. I recall stacking and soldering RAM onto my Atari 130 XE, and now I'm still pretty much doing the same sort of things, only now with my XBOX and DS.

    If only our nations did not dumb down there children, then things like the DS homebrew scene and what not would not seem to confusing to the masses and more people would be into things like this. Hacking and homebrew would be the social standard as opposed to the masses who merely consume and play a game, then go out and consume again. Not much creativity and joy there.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Regular Tesseract's Avatar
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    As a community throughout many Homebrew and Hacking Sites we have taken the likes of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo on and defeated them.
    I generally tend to dislike viewing homebrew as a 'war' against SONY or any other company. If it wasn't for them, these consoles wouldn't even exist.

    The best thing I can liken it to is a strict parent who doesn't realise that their child has grown up and needs more out of what they've been given.

    The Dreamcast saw the homebrew community really take off, as it no longer required difficult soldering or whatnot. Anyone with a little bit of spare time and a CD Burner could suddenly relive all their Commodore 64 favorites again. (BTW, the recent PSP release of Impossible Mission made me giggle like a schoolgirl.)

    Since then, our only real 'battle' is simply to be recognised as a viable subset of the consumer base. You can see the first indications that we may be getting the big dogs to see things our way. Linux Distros for the PS3, the RSS Reader for the PSP (which was homebrew-inspired, according to a SONY interview), Virtual Console on the Wii, even all the retro compilations that have started cropping up in the PSX and PS2 days. The Consolemakers are realising that there IS a demand for doing more with one's console than just the games that they think are worthwhile.

    THIS is the real message that we need to get across. SONY and Microsoft and Nintendo don't need to be 'defeated', they just need to learn. And to be brutally honest, SONY's done more of that than any of the others.

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