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Thread: The value of content

  1. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by jordanblack68 View Post
    Hey Mr 3 liner

    O btw, I am not a spamming, thank you very much, you should get fired and ill take over. I would show you better longer posts then little 3 liners
    No, the problem is you cannot read, because you didn't answer my questions.
    Also why I don't see your threads with original content on the Submit News Forum?
    I know I only post 'copy & paste' information, but at least it's enough if you want to read and know about the news posted. Plus it's not against the rules.

  2. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by JKKDARK View Post
    No, the problem is you cannot read, because you didn't answer my questions.
    Also why I don't see your threads with original content on the Submit News Forum?
    I know I only post 'copy & paste' information, but at least it's enough if you want to read and know about the news posted. Plus it's not against the rules.
    I'm going to have to throw that comment back at you. You cannot read either. This topic is not about "copy[ing] & past[ing]" information. This is about the value of content.

    No one cares if it is copied and pasted, so long as it is informative and well-written.
    EvilSeph - Administrator
    Great community, quality content, exclusively here.

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  3. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by EvilSeph View Post
    I'm going to have to throw that comment back at you. You cannot read either. This topic is not about "copy[ing] & past[ing]" information. This is about the value of content.

    No one cares if it is copied and pasted, so long as it is informative and well-written.
    I agree, thanks

  4. #74
    DCEmu Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by quzar View Post
    You seem to say that as if the second post had all sorts of magical stuff that is NEWS in it. What the later post added was: the warnings that are affixed to every downgrader related thing, instructions on how to use the new downgrader, links for places to buy the game, and a donation link. ALL of these things are relegated specifically for guides or tutorials on how to use the exploit, NOT in a front page news piece on it's release.

    That's great. But my post wasn't in response to the news. It was in response to your words - mainly, that you said you'd rather have a fast 3-line post than a slower post that's actual news.

  5. #75
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    We cant be responsible for all the news... In fact we arnt responsible for a lot of the news that appears on the front page. A good percentage of the news is moved from the submit news section. That is part of the magic of dcemu though.. We DEPEND on our users to submit news and write articles and we strongly encourage it. Rather than bitching and moaning about something that happens every 1000 years (oh god, they didnt post a link, and id rather bitch and moan about it in offtopic rather than notifying someone), or complaining about the 3 liners (please, point to me an article that actually contains fewer than 5 lines, and also please tell me why you are too lazy to go to the site with the original article and content) Start posting better articles or giving your input in the thread.

    We have some Exclusives, but most of our news is links to other news pages AND WE URGE YOU TO VIEW THEIR LINKS BECAUSE THEY DISCUSS THINGS FURTHER. Any user who feel 100% nessicary bits and peices of an article have been left out can pm a news poster or a moderator.

    Now quit your completely useless blather and flame fest. That one lifeless mother ****er who joined only with the intent of spamming and bitching has been banned.


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