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Thread: The value of content

  1. #1

    Thumbs down The value of content

    Seeing as this is not the first time this has happened and possibly because this time it is a news release of epic proportion (comparatively), I just have to comment on how disappointed I am with the news staff at DCEmu as they continuously seem to take "time" over "content". When someone takes the time and effort to make a news article presentable so that it may appear on the front page - that shows dedication, caring and intelligence. Something news sites seem to lack these days as articles are often full of errors both of the grammar and spelling nature or they are mere 3 line posts.

    As opposed to a properly formatted and professionally written article, a mere 3 liner is a joke to say the least. And when someone has taken that extra minute or so to make it look professional for the benefit of DCEmu, only to be spat in the face by a member of the news staff stating: "This news has already been posted." is an outrage, not to mention gives evidence to the fact that the news staff merely read the article name, possibly glance at the article and then decide it's been posted already. The logical thing to do would be to use the better article - but that doesn't seem to come to thought for any of the news staff here.

    Not to put down anybody's hard work, but when that hard work results in a loss of quality then that works needs to be questioned. Picking a mere 3 liner over a full blown article brings one thought to mind: carelessness.

    Pardon the rant, but I'm sure many other people want to know why the better article was not used (the one that actually contained the full contents AND what the original author requested) and hope a response full of thought and care is provided because this is truly an outrage. I've seen people witness this happening or have this happen to them and then deciding never to post a news article at DCEmu again. I'm sure this is not what you want, so please shed some light on the situation.

    I was going to provide proof of my claims, but that well written article has been deleted or hidden (as someone wise once put it: "Just to add insult to injury, all that time was wasted and pointless as NO ONE will see it.") [if for whatever reason you want an example, the article that was written was about the 3.50 downgrader] and I noticed the Administration had to rectify the poor choice of decision soon after the 3-liner was posted.
    EvilSeph - Administrator
    Great community, quality content, exclusively here.

    // An Afterthought. // Network Owner // Administrator
    ShellExecute(NULL,"open",(developer == true)?"":"",NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL);

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro kando's Avatar
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    oooo oo first post (how ironic)

    indeed true...words of wisdom.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Old Pro Wally's Avatar
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    I'd also like to add onto this in regards to DCEmu's Future / health.

    ** Downloads tend to cut themselves after a certain amount of time / bandwidth on a dialup connection hence wasting everyone who is on dialup's time.

    ** The website starts to load then starts misbehaving and corrupting itself coming up with some random HTML at where it stopped, usually it takes about 5 refreshes to correct itself.

    ** I have tried contacting wraggster quite often about the problems but they seem to be ignored 95% of the time or not addressed.

    ** DCEmu badly needs to partner with other gaming sites. It makes no sense how stuff is taken from other sites but its not credited

    I do like DCEmu its a great place. It just needs a lot of things fixing up, adding onto and gluing things together.

    I'll offer to clean up if someone in admin gives me global moderator and we have a meeting about staff (maybe some changes regarding it as it seems many are not active)



  4. #4
    DCEmu Coder ninja9393's Avatar
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    I agree DCEmu needs some fixing up to do

    Its not the same place as when i joined and really started to post as ninja9393

    and that was a while ago

    But i still think DCEmu is a awesome site

  5. #5
    The Filipino Guy kcajblue's Avatar
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    in the short time i have been here the site has changed.

  6. #6


    Tis true, ...

    /me sobs.

    Indeed some news sites are just relays for psp news, when infact one could easily out present the rest.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    Wally: what browser are you using? I'm on firefox and have no issues with pages rendering incorrectly.
    Ive had that issue with the downloads but only say once or twice in the 100+ downloads ive made from the site.

    I don't know why it appears to happen to some people more than others, possibly something to do with your browser/ISP caching files.
    I saw someone say that choosing open file not save as fixed it for him, and that is certainly client side not on dcemu's end.

    Sure some of the news posts that make the front page could do with a little more journalism and less copy/pasting from other sites, but then again I rarely submit news so I guess I'm not helping the site either am I.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro Man's Avatar
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    I dont know what decides value of content, its different in different peoples eyes, some people dont need a long winded explanation, others prefer different things, i could care less, as long as the info i need is there.

  9. #9


    I would love a lite version of dcemu, it literally takes about 2-4 minutes to load a page on the psp, and about 30 seconds a page on the pc at times.

  10. #10
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    We've been trying a number of different ways of trying to improve our news posting. I have even added a new staff group to help post original and well written news articles. Of course we still want to cover as much news as we can, so sometimes we have to sacrifice "orginality" by getting sourced news from other sites. Remember that DCemu's staff is entirely made up of volunteers (my self included) and we sometimes don't have time to do somethings.

    I suggest contacting me personally when such problems occur again EvilSeph. I always answer my PMs and will try to get back to you ASAP.

    ** Downloads tend to cut themselves after a certain amount of time / bandwidth on a dialup connection hence wasting everyone who is on dialup's time
    We're still looking into this. But again, a vast majority of our users never have any problems.

    ** The website starts to load then starts misbehaving and corrupting itself coming up with some random HTML at where it stopped, usually it takes about 5 refreshes to correct itself.
    Under certain circumstances this does happen. Another thing we're trying to improve.
    ** I have tried contacting wraggster quite often about the problems but they seem to be ignored 95% of the time or not addressed.
    Contact another Admin instead. Wraggs is almost always too busy to answer PMs.

    I'll offer to clean up if someone in admin gives me global moderator and we have a meeting about staff (maybe some changes regarding it as it seems many are not active)
    I've worked hard to keep the staff team well kept up. I assure you no one is inactive. Some just simply do different work then moderate and visit on the public forums.

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