More US consumers intend to buy a PS4 this Christmas than an Xbox One, according to a poll conducted by Reuters and Ipsos.
Of the 1,297 people surveyed between September 23rd-27thsome 26 per cent said they are likely to purchase a PS4 compared to just 15 per cent who intend to buy Xbox One.
The gap is even bigger amongst those under the age of 40, with 41 per cent eying a PS4 and 27 per cent an Xbox One.
“Though based on a limited sample, the results potentially point to a lopsided battle during the crucial holiday season, with Microsoft and Sony hoping to get their newest consoles into US households,” the report states.
Call of Duty: Ghosts was named as the game that had the strongest interest, followed by Grand Theft Auto V, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, NFL 25 and Battlefield 4.
It also noted, however, that trends could point to a more general sway away from consoles, with 64 per cent of those questioned stating that they have no plans to buy any console hardware this Christmas.