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Thread: Broken GPS?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Broken GPS?


    I've just got my PSP GPS, and I think that it might be broken. When I launch MapThis, even if my GPS isn't connected, after I press square it says "GPS ON", never OFF. When I connect it, it still says GPS ON, and doesnt show any coordinates or active satelites. The red bar on the bottom is also 'empty', which I think is the singal bar.

    I've tryed numorous versions of MapThis.

    3.40OE (1.52 original FW, so not TA). All plugins dissabled.

    Please help, mayby there is another program that can check if my GPS is even working?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Question: Do I have to use my own PRX's instead of the apps? If so, could anyone give me a link to a 3.40 psar dumper? I can't seem to find it.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    You probably did not install Mapthis properly.

    It does take some PSP knowhow, or "luck" to get it working.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    What is there to not install properly? Anyway I've downloaded the PSP GPS test, and I think it's working, but not entirely.

    I can't get a fix on my location. I was testing it outside on my balcony.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    It seems like your gps is definitly working or you would not have been able to even the 2 sat. that the 290 test program was able to see.

    move on...your problem might be the view of the unit to the satellites because when i run the test prog i get 11 sats minimum. and when i run mapthis it ususally drops to about 9 in view...

    Seeing that u only view 2 in the test program tells me that in mapthis your probably view any satellites.

    try this.....start mapthis like you would normally do put the psp in your car on the dash in open view to the sky(ex. not under any trees or anything)...go to the start meun go to gps info change the cpu speed to 111mhz by pressing down on the directional pad. then press the directional pad to the right until it says loc 2 ( i dont know why but this seems to get me more satellites i do this and i usually go from 5 sats to 9 sats in view.) then go back inside take a shower, drink some coffee then go back out to your car and you should be able to get some sats.....good luck

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Thanks for your help, I'll try to take a quick trip around the city, but... shouldn't the GPS lock on my position in a few seconds instead of XX minutes?

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    actually no gps unit manages to get fixes in a few seconds...
    it took time for me too, to find out how to use it properly.

    As a tip, dont forget to have the psp-290 parallel to the ground so the white part with the "GPS" letters on it, points into the sky.
    And secondly, in the menu of mapthis, in gps-info change the cpu speed to 111mHz, so that the psp isnt interferring the searching process with electromagnetic radiation

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enstriel View Post
    Thanks for your help, I'll try to take a quick trip around the city, but... shouldn't the GPS lock on my position in a few seconds instead of XX minutes?
    If you are using it for the first time, it may take more than xx minutes, that is, if your GPS can see the open sky.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Back from the roadtrip. And it works, but I couldn't get enough satelites close to my home. I've gotten 4-6 satelites later on and finally the tracking worked.

    Still, I have a couple of questions:
    - Does the 0.49XX versions have the option of 111mhz? It seems that I can't get below 222mhz.
    - Which version is best, just for tracking? (I dont need voice/Points of Intrest)
    - Which prx's are best? (3.40OE PSP)
    - What is exactly GeoData and do I really need it? (can I get it for Poland/Sweden?)

    Thank you for all of your help!

  10. #10
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I just got my PSP-290 today as well.
    I haven't got mapthis working quite right yet (can't find the PRX files), so I tried it with MGS Portable Ops and did the recruit feature with GPS and I don't think it's working.. So I'm not sure if my GPS is broken or I'm just using it wrong?

    Where do I get the GPS test? I want to make sure this is working correctly.


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