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Thread: Few console owners using multimedia capabilities, says study

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Default Few console owners using multimedia capabilities, says study

    via Games Industry

    According to the Diffusion Group, while 80 per cent of US households own game consoles capable of DVD playback, only 30 per cent were aware of that fact and only 13 per cent of gamers are using them for that purpose.

    The Dallas-based research firm also found that, of the households who view movies on their game consoles, 74 per cent are watching physical DVDs and only 26 per cent are going online to purchase or rent a digital movie download.

    "Today's next-generation games consoles such as the Xbox 360 or Sony PS3 are true digital multimedia powerhouses," said Dale Gilliam III, author of the Diffusion Group report.

    "Yet very few of these devices are connected to the Internet and, even though these same platforms may feature a high-definition DVD playback system, very few consumers are using them for non-gaming media applications."

    The report also found that approximately half of US households with broadband own at least one game console, with 15 per cent owning two or more game consoles. Those consoles are most likely to be located in the living room or family room (52 per cent) than in a second bedroom (24 per cent) or in a dedicated games room (21 percent).

    The Diffusion Group's report, On The Use of Game Consoles for Movie Viewing, is based upon a survey of 2,000 US broadband heads-of-households.

  2. #2
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Not too many people are bothered about playing movies on their games consoles, I was when I first got my PS2 but the novelty wore off after a while as I already had a laptop and a DVD player for viewing movies. The only people who are currently playing movies on their games consoles are people with Xbox360's with the HD-DVD addon or a PS3 with built in BluRay, when I get an Xbox360 I won't be buying the HD-DVD addon as I feel that games consoles are purely for games

  3. #3


    I use my psp solely for games, and the occasional "movie".

  4. #4
    DCEmu Coder BrooksyX's Avatar
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    I use Windows media player 11 to stream music and videos to my 360. I don't know why i do it though because my PC and my 360 sit right next to eachother on my desk and I use them on the same LCD monitor.

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    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrooksyX View Post
    I use Windows media player 11 to stream music and videos to my 360. I don't know why i do it though because my PC and my 360 sit right next to eachother on my desk and I use them on the same LCD monitor.
    lol, that seems pointless. You might as well just use Media Player on your PC to listen/view your media through your PC! :rofl:

  6. #6


    I play music and videos on my PSP

  7. #7
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKKDARK View Post
    I play music and videos on my PSP
    PSP is different, it's portable. I play video's on my PSP, but I don't play music as I have an MP3player and my phone also plays MP3's

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