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Thread: Stupid question from a n0oB!!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Unhappy Stupid question from a n0oB!!

    Does mapthis only work for a specific area map location you download? Like for instance, I'm living in Rhode Island, and i want to travel out of state, like to Florida for an example. Can i get all the streets or highway routes in different states all in one map? Do I have to download different maps from different states or anything? I tried looking around using the search button but didn't know what to type in. I'm really sorry if this question have been asked before. I am really new this whole mapthis! thing and I really do travel a lot and that is why i want to use my psp for my navigational system instead of spending $200-400! Thanks for taking your time to answer this stupid question.:thumbup:

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Everything is possible, but it may not be practical.

    You can get all the streets from many states in one map. But the size will be huge and it will take several days to download, if you have such large memory card!!!

    So it is better to download chunks of the area you need, unless you want to travel through all the states and want to navigate through it.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    actually, you cannot/shouldnt get them all in one map, it will tell you that size has exceeded the supported size... for instance I have a trip from texas to arkansas that I have downloaded into 3 maps, and from arkansas to kentucky the same thing... you can only zoom out so far, before it tells you whoa thats too much...

    I think it will still let you try, but it recommends that it probably wont work...

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Yea, i have a 2gb memory stick. I'm guessing that it the map from rhode island to florida will not fit.? Or can it be fitted?

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    this will be about 1gb I would guess.... probably less than 2, but you would want to uncheck all of the tiles except any that are close to the route you are taking. also you will have to fit it on several maps worth

    If you do that each map is about 200mb and stretches about 100 miles or so... so you might be able to fit them on a 2gb.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie atari800's Avatar
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    25cK5nah2 - you could try to zoom out really far - uncheck the tiles except for route 95 (if that is what you are taking) and remove all but highlevel zoom.
    Or grab a few more 2 gb memory cards and compile maps for East coast of coastal states
    $30-60 buck depending on how much time you have

    Or better yet - borrow a laptop and transfer the maps you need - or create really detailed one of where you are at - on the fly - or prebuild them before your trip

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Yeah, thanks for replying and all those great answers . I haven't download mapthis! or anything that has to do with it. Why because i wanted to see the possibilities of the gps and the psp. Well I just ordered the psp-290 from ebay last week, and I should be getting it this week. Anybody ever tried to use this to travel out of state? If possible, would you mind showing me some of your videos or anything. I would really appreciate it :thumbup: !!

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie atari800's Avatar
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    I havent travel outside of state but
    if you are just going 95 to Florida - at least this is something to work with

    Are you only stuck with the 2 gig stick?
    Or do you have other memory
    or possibly use of a laptop?

    *2 gig might not cut it from RI to Fla

    Mmmm Coffee Milk

  9. #9
    DCEmu Pro
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    I traveled from Seattle, Washington to Las Angeles, California using a custom map I If you want to make a map from Rhode island to Florida it is very possible. My map is about 300mb. If anyone needs help on how to make a map that big, ask me whenever and I will tell you. right now I'm just a little busy trying to activate windows on another computer, which by the way(if you've never activated windows before), is a big pain in the balls. Especially since my activation ID is showing up as incorrect, and the hp tech support won't help me unless I pay a $49.99 fee. hp can shove it.

    Sorry for going off topic, it's just really frustrating. But yes, you can make a map of more than one state in it. and have it fit in a memory stick of 512mbs or more.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i dont think it will work...i live in fl. and i made a map of the state and it was 1.1:thumbup: gigs, and i really unchecked every title possible that wont be used, but gl making the map tell us how it goes

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