Well I've been using My Max Media Player with my Max Media Dock and Supercard for about 4 months now with out to many issues and I'm quite happy with it.

But last week I went to use it an my slot 1 would not read it at all. I reads all my official Nintendo games but not the pass card. I don't want to buy a new card but if I have to I will.

To give a better description of the situation I took my device up to the Sierra's on vacation with me last week (6000+ ft elevation) and it was 90+ degrees too. I went to plug in the card into slot 1 and it didn't work, it worked the second time though. after that night It hasn't worked since. The slot 2 shows a device in it but the slot 1 card reads empty.

Has anyone dealt with a situation like this. If so is it a fixable problem or am I gonna have to get a new pass device?