Apple’s iWatch will be more than just an iPhone companion believes Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Brain White.
With Samsung having just released its Galaxy Gearsmartwatch, it seems Apple could be looking to trump the new device by giving its own smartwatch a host of additional features.
In a recent research note, White writes: “As an Apple supplier, our contact offered insight into the “iWatch” and described this potential new device as much more than an extension of your iPhone but as a multi-purpose gateway in allowing consumers to control their home (i.e., heating/cooling, lights, audio, video, etc.).
With rumours starting at the beginning of the year, many were expecting to see an Apple smartwatch in 2013, but rumours suggest the iWatch won’t launch until late 2014.
During in the summer it was reported that Apple had run into a number of ‘design problems’, which may have put the initial release date back.