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Thread: E3: Sony shoots down 'leaked' details on Euro PS3 announcement

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    ps3 E3: Sony shoots down 'leaked' details on Euro PS3 announcement

    via Computer and Video Games

    SCEE has told CVG that details 'leaked' on its Euro PS3 announcement planned for later this week are categorically not true.

    Internet reports are stating that the company's announcement will include news on a bundle containing PS3, Resistance Fall of Man and MotorStorm which will have a recommended retail price of 514 Euro (roughly 350 quid) - in France at least.

    The information appeared in a leaked internal email sent by a French retailer to a Sony key account manager based in Paris, according to website Spong, in which it was said the bundle would be available in France as of August 1.

    The site went on to say it contacted the key account manager in question who verified the authenticity of the email and, when questioned, confirmed that the information within would form part of Sony's announcement Europe-wide.

    However, SCEE told CVG that the reported details including pricing are "categorically not true" when contacted.

    Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's announcement, which is expected to be value-related, will occur at around 5am our time on Friday morning.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro mikebeaver's Avatar
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    If this is even remotely true it will fuel PS3 sales massively.
    I know that I will get one for sure at that price :P

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