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Thread: Moore questions true value of PlayStation 3 price cut

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    ps3 Moore questions true value of PlayStation 3 price cut

    via Games Industry

    Microsoft's Peter Moore has told that he doesn't consider Sony's recent PS3 discount a price cut at all - but rather a move to offer added value for the same price.

    Sony dropped the price of the 60GB model on Monday to USD 499, while revealing a new SKU with an 80GB hard-drive and copy of Motorstorm for USD 599

    "Interestingly, I didn't see a price cut, and I must have been reading the wrong thing. It's still USD 499 and USD 599," Moore told in an interview.

    "They've added greater value in the form primarily of storage at the same price points."

    For Moore, a price cut would mean a more significant drop in price - something his own company has yet to do with the Xbox 360.

    "They've added greater value at the same prices. Which to me is not a price cut. I don't want to be anal, but I read "price cut" and I expected to see USD 399," he continued. "When I hear the words "price cut" I expect to see a price cut."

    Despite Sony's claims of a doubling in sales of PS3 since Monday, Moore believes ultimately the consumer will decide if the price is now low enough.

    "I did see Nintendo's George Harrison saying that it's ineffective, but the consumer will vote on that. Jack [Tretton] did say, anecdotally, that their sales have doubled [since the price cut], so we shall see," he offered.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend
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    Haha 399? Wow. If the PS3 was that price for this E3, most assuredly there would be 3 million sales at the end of the week.

    Since it is a well known fact that Sony definitely owned this E3, Microsoft execs should really be keeping their mouth shut. PS3 sales have skyrocketed once the price came down 100 bucks. I can only imagine how many PS3s would be sold if it came down 200 dollars...

  3. #3


    hey does any1 kno the date when Home is going to be released?

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