Zelda series Producer Eiji Aonuma approached development of the upcomingThe Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds with unassisted exploration in mind. During an interview with Polygon, he explained that the game won't "completely guide players through the experience" and addressed game developers' general concern for leaving players in the dark.

"We kind of have a bad habit of hand-holding, trying to make things easier for everyone," Aonuma said. "More and more, I start to think that that kind of isn't actually that fun." Aonuma shared an example of a three-day feud between himself and his director over the inclusion of a hint in an area of the game, ultimately resulting in its removal.

The interview follows news earlier this month that the game will allow players to tackle dungeons in whichever order they prefer. A recent trailer also named the game's alternate universe Lorule and gave us a glimpse of an artistically-inclined antagonist.
