In a move that's about as useful as rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, BlackBerry has issued an open letter to customers and partners designed to quell their fears. Despite a recent spate of well-publicized ill fortune, the company claims that its loyal customers "can continue to count on Blackberry." To anyone with eyes or ears, the effort may seem overly optimistic, considering the harsh reality of BlackBerry's dire straits. The past few months haven't been the cheeriest; the Z10's disappointing launch was recently blamed for a loss of almost one billion dollars, massive layoffs are expected by the end of the year, and the company's future is anything but certain.
But in spite of all that, BlackBerry claims that it still offers customers the best in mobile productivity, security, social networking and enterprise management. Essentially, the company is trying to put a sunny spin on its plans to cut costs by 50 percent through its restructuring efforts. "These are no doubt challenging times for us," the letter reads, "and we don't underestimate the situation or ignore the challenges. We are making the difficult changes necessary to strengthen BlackBerry." You can check out the full missive for yourself at the source link below.