Hey all,

I've had the WiiFreeEasy Connect units for a while now, but had not posted my review online yet. This mainly because of the new update to the WiiFree code (including the LCD). I have contacted the WFEC team about this new update, however have not heard anything yet.

Regardless the current version is available and thus I release my review. You can read it:
For those of you who do not know the WiiFree Easy Connect;

The WiiFree Easy Connect is a product inspired by the WiiFree team and other like them. Due to the fact that (WiiFree) code is freely available it is very easy to create your own Wii Mod-chip. Some people however still prefer a quicksolder install. The WiiFreeEasyConnect gives you the option to quicksolder a PIC socket (stuck on a pre-made PCB) the WiiFree while having the PIC and Led's on the outside of your Wii via flatcable connection.

A small sneek at my review;
Although this is a space normally filled with information about the chip's performance in this case that would be useless. I can however say that all home-brew chips that I was able to test (WiiFree Yaosim, Wiiskas) worked, so in theory you can indeed put all chips on there provided they are made for PIC 12F629 and have the same pin-out as the WiiFree.

Hope you enjoy the read!