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Thread: PSP Genesis v0.1 - New genesis emulator with sound

  1. #101
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    awesome release Sougen

    GPL is both a good and bad thing, but as long as theres a middle ground then we can all enjoy releases.

  2. #102
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by sougen
    Thanks for testing out the sram feature.

    I have to say I have never read the license file (does anyone ever read those things), but if what you say is true, I will no longer release anymore updates until I have fully finished the emulator and feel it is ready to be released with the source code.
    I just wanted to share with everyone the ability to play back all the old games that we used to love. I in no way want any credit for it. But if this violates the gpl, then I will comply with it and stop releases until I can release the source code.

    IANAL but I believe the GPL only requires that you make your source available. Even if this means by special request(IE someone emailing you for it). However, I have no doubt you mean it when you say you would do it and I doubt anyone'll challenge you on that

    As for messy code, bah, it's always messy^^

    btw: The emu really does kick arseballs. I'm quite amazed at how fast you were able to make it go.

  3. #103


    Its like as soon as i asked you delivered. lol Thanks very much, now im completely satisfied.

  4. #104


    The GPL states that if you are distributing the program, you have to distribute the source as well. The minimum requirement is that, with the program itself, you have a way for people to get the code if they want it:
    "[...or you must] Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange"
    The GPL was designed at at a time when "downloads" were not the most common method of distribution - they used these things called floppy disks. As near as I can recall, they were like floppy hats but there was some way to store programs on them. Wierd.

    It was also a time when beta releases, or releasing in the process of developing, was really not common place. As a result, the GPL doesn't really specify at what stage you have to release the code. Since nothing is said about that, you can assume what you want, but most folks would say that you should release the code with each beta version. I don't think there's a hard-n-fast rule though, and while IANAP I wouldn't get all bent about not releasing the code at an early stage.

    Anyway, the point is that when you're using someone else's open-source (in this case, GPL if the original code) then you have to distribute your source code too. This helps everybody, since now everyone can look at your source and offer improvements and suggestions as to how to optimize it. Sure, you may not like your messy code, but ultimately it benefits everyone to be able to see it. This is especially true in the beginning stages of development, but I guess it's more about what you think is the right thing to do and what the dev community thinks about not releasing the code.

    A_Rival's comment made me laugh. Touché!

    PS I haven't tried the emu yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Keep up the great work!

  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by sougen
    ...but if what you say is true, I will no longer release anymore updates until I have fully finished the emulator and feel it is ready to be released with the source code.
    Say it aint so!

  6. #106
    DCEmu Newbie
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    F that man let him release his releases and he can release the source when he's ready

  7. #107
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I don't think you have anything to worry about unless someone from the dgen crew complains about it.

    Frankly, I don't imagine they would anytime soon.

    but you should view open sourcing to be an advantage. If your code is messy, then open sourcing may draw a volunteer to clean it up for you nice and pretty

    but don't feel pressured to do anything. It looks like you started this as a hobby. Keep it as a hobby and have fun with it

  8. #108
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Its always nice to release your source. People always might be able to improve your code.. and its all about getting this thing to run great, right?

  9. #109


    Well after some extended play with Shining Force 2 Ive found that it sometimes randomly freezes in game, after it freezes none of the buttons respond and I have to result to holding down the power button for a full shutdown. This has happened to me about half a dozen times now, dunno if this is an emulator problem or just a problem with Shining Force 2. A big downfall to this is I noticed that it only keeps saved data saved if you return to your menu, meaning if the game freezes you lose all save data since the game was last loaded. Ouch! Anyways, I still think this emu kicks ass and Im not complaining, just filling you in . I think Im going to try some Phantasy Star 4 now, Ill keep you posted if anything else comes up. Keep up the good work!

  10. #110
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default SRAM not working on Phantasy Star IV

    Just wondering, is it just me, or is SRAM saving not working on Phantasy Star IV?? I just tried it, set sram save to "y" at the rom selector screen, and played up until the very first time you can save. saved on the first slot, then used select to go back to the menu, and restarted the game. When I went to the title screen, no saves are there, just "Start", as usual. :-(

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