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Thread: PSP Genesis v0.1 - New genesis emulator with sound

  1. #141
    DCEmu Newbie
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  2. #142
    DCEmu Newbie
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  3. #143

    Default Nice Emulator, but...

    Nice emulator, you know, like everyone says especially for a .1. Now, if only I could save my games.

    I know, bitch, bitch, bitch. sorry.

  4. #144
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyozabe
    goblindojo: A $#@!stain such as yourself isn't even worth my creativity, so I'll sum this post right up: ****. You.

    (My apologies, Moderators, and Administrators; But it had to be done.)
    amen. lol

  5. #145
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by goblindungface
    I didn't create the requirement that you need to release the source code to any derived works, the original author of the Generator emulator did. But if you are unable to make any meaningful contributions, by all means feel free to shoot the messenger instead.
    (Heh, I'll try to be a bit more 'tame' this time.)

    Excuse me, but who the **** called upon you to be "the messenger?"

    Are you trying to imply that the original author of the Generator emulator sent you here to speak on his behalf? I know that the author couldn't be an asswipe such as yourself, but I do find it somewhat fishy that, I assume, on your own time, you scoured the entire ****ing license of some random program, just to start $#@!. I mean, WTF?

    What is your point? Does doing this increase the size of your e-Penis?

    Are you happy now?

    It's people like you that truly corrupt the Internet. I hope you die slowly and painfully.

    Addition: Hah, forgot to reply to the entirety of his post rather than the single statement.

    1. The 'derived work' is, actually, unfinished. I'm quite sure that something in a stage below "Version One.Blah" can be referred to as a "derived work." If you want to be such a license $#@!, then look at it this way, Mr. I'm-Right-And-You're-Wrong-So-Hah. This "work" isn't finished. Sougen released said unfinished work so that it can be publicly beta tested, not unlike the public beta tests given by Capcom for some of it's Playstation 2 games.

    Since you seem so narrow-minded, I'll explain to you what I mean by 'public beta test.' By 'public beta test,' I mean that the Author, in this case, Sougen, fully lacks the resources or funds to hire a Quality Assurance team for his product (PSP Generator). He could not possibly completely debug the emulator all by himself, so he enlists the voluntary help of you, the User. We download, test (play), and reply in this forum each and every bug we come across. Such as the Sonic 3 bug, which was addressed, among other things.

    2. Don't give me any bull$#@! about 'meaningful contributions.' The post containing your single 'meaningful contribution' is the same post that you tell the ****ing author of THE VERY EMULATOR YOU ARE ENJOYING to STOP RELEASING UPDATES! ARE YOU ****ING LACKING IN THE HEAD, MAN?

    I mean, jeez. Dennis Leary is an asshole, that much I know, but compared to you, he's Whoopi-****ing-Goldberg.

    Do the world a favor and stop posting in this topic. Please.

  6. #146


    Back on topic....I'd hate to see a sticky locked....heh heh

    Sougen>Do what you gotta do....Maybe private betas? "Wink wink, Nudge nudge, Say no more"....

  7. #147


    I wanted to have the source because I wanted to improve the emulator. If you wish to understand the requirements of the GNU GPL I refer you to the GPL FAQ.

    Apart from that I have no intention being involved in any kind of flame war, so you might as well quit wasting your time.

  8. #148
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Ok, thats enough, NO MORE FLAMEING

    i going to read though this mess and see who started this, Flameing is breaking the rules and we have zero tolerence for rule breaking!

    i have not read everything in this topic yet, but the source is required under a GPL licence

    edit: ok kyozabe, you are on a last warning, for flaming twice

  9. #149



    I Downloaded Version 1.51 Network Update On My Psp And All Of The Homebrews Dont Work. It Will Always Say The Game Could Not Be Started!!! I Deleted The Update By Going On My Computer And Deleting Psp / Update. I Guess I Still Have 1.51 Even Though I Deleted The Update... Can Some One Please Help Me So I Can Play These Games!!!

  10. #150
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Anyone consider the possiblity that Sougen might just be...oh, I don't know....busy?

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