Although there’s a certain amount of cryptic messaging to get past, it looks like EA’s next-gen racer is looking impressive on PS4 - going by what critics have been shown so far.
Polygon reports that Need for Speed Rivals “is a more visually impressive” on PS4 than even on PC, although the console SKU is “currently slightly more buggy”
Added the site: “We switched to the PS4 version and were surprised to find a game that looked even more impressive than its PC counterpart, with better texture detail, improved lighting on cars and sharper graphics overall.”
A separate report on Videogamer adds that “there will be 'subtle' graphical differences between all versions of Need For Speed: Rivals – including the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions”
A second, older Videogamer story quotes Ghost Games’ executive producer Marcus Nilsson as saying: “What we’re seeing with the consoles are actually that they are a little bit more powerful than we thought for a really long time – especially one of them, but I’m not going to tell you which one.
“But in reality, I think we’re going to have both those consoles pretty much on parity – maybe one sticking up a little bit. And I think that one will look as good as the PC.”
The site adds that when pressed Nilsson “chose not to answer when asked whether he was referring to the PS4 version”.
Note that EA has chosen to demo the PS4 and PC builds to the press but not the Xbox One code.