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Thread: Darkness demo on PS3

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    ps3 Darkness demo on PS3

    via Eurogamer

    Sony's PlayStation Network shop has been updated with a playable demo of The Darkness in the UK, while the US store welcomes the addition of a PS3/PSP-compatible Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

    Our demo's a single-player offering that weighs in at 1443MB. You can play it in 720p, 1080i or 1080p. No word on what's in it, but bank on it showing off a few of our Jackie's tentacular talents. The full version's out on PS3 today, and you can read our 360 review for more on whether it's any good.

    Other additions to the UK store include the latest Grand Theft Auto IV trailer and teasers for Rainbow Six Vegas and Pixar's Ratatouille film.

    Meanwhile, the US store gets Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Often declared the best of the Castlevanias, it's already seen release on Xbox Live Arcade and costs the same USD 10 here, but with the added benefit that you can copy it onto your PSP if you've got the latest firmware and don't fancy playing it on the PS3.

    Otherwise it's trailer city and the US store's the mayor, with offerings for inFAMOUS, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Ratchet & Clank: Future, Heavenly Sword (making-of), the films The Brothers Solomon, Resident Evil: Extinction, I Am Legend, The Big One and Underdog.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Hi, I think it's also worth mentioning that the Australian version of the store now has 10 music videos (All available in 1080p) for download, whilst the artists might not be well known over here in dear ol' blighty, I for one think it's a brilliant idea and somewhat overdue. They are all resting on my external HDD, yum.

  3. #3
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    Great! I saw my friend playing SOTN on xbox last week and thought to myself dam Sony for not releasing this fantastic game! Guess I didnt have to wait long, I cant wait to buy this classic.

    Hopefully the darkness demo makes me want the game cause I have seriously thought about picking it up.

    Great idea of having music videos but I doubt I would find any I would like in the US since the pop culture here is just a bit out of hand. Thought there is going to be a movie and music service comming to provide all of that sometime soon? Pretty interesting to see you guys are getting the first treatment of this, even if its not the exact same thing that will be offered later its still different then what we get now.

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