EA is currently working on a "high-end and high performance" Battlefield game for mobile devices.
So revealed Electronic Arts president of labels Frank Gibeau in an interview with The New York Times.
We are working on a mobile game of Battlefield that will be high-end and high-performance,' teased Gibeau, who was recently put in charge of EA mobile.
"It's our bet that we can successfully pull that off," he went on.
The exec held off revealing any further details, but did state his confidence in mobile platforms being able to provide big production experiences like Battlefield.
"We're embarking on something no one has ever done before - to get these games to inter-operate between platforms. Will it work? It already has in some cases. Will it work for all franchises? Not all franchises will make the transition. Battlefield might be a little harder," he said.
"Does someone pick up a mobile phone and say, 'I'm just not interested in a war fantasy?' They are interested. So how do we create a war fantasy where it's a multiplayer destructible environment and it feels great? It's totally possible."
Next-gen and PC versions of the new Battlefield 4 will implement second-screen play via tablet devices with its Commander mode, which lets a remote player influence the battle from a strategic overview map, issuing orders, co-ordinating assaults on capture points, calling in gun ships for defensive actions and launching UAVs and Tomahawk cruise missiles to clear a path for their men on the ground.
EA has confirmed a Battlefield 4 release date of October 29 in the US and November 1 in the UK on current gen consoles and PC. Xbox One and PS4 versions will be console launch titles later in November.
