jas0nuk has released a new version of prxdecrypter which is a psardumper mod to decrypt PRX files.

Heres the release notes:

This mod of psardumper can decrypt individual firmware modules from all known retail firmwares (1.00-3.51*) and modules from all current retail games PRXs and, and it can decompresses M33 custom firmware modules.

*There seem to be some problems with vshmain.prx of 3.51 and a few other modules, as Sony have changed the format, so it no longer checksums correctly.

1.4 --> 1.4b
- M33 decompression fixed; no longer interferes with official PRXs
- Source cleanup

1.3 --> 1.4
- Decompresses PRXs from 3.51 M33 custom firmware
- Improved error handling
-- Already decrypted files are skipped
-- Files with unknown headers are skipped
-- Files that produced odd output are deleted to prevent memory stick corruption
- Improved path handling (hopefully no more strange "Unable to open file" problems)

Check the rest of readme.txt or you will fail at using this. No extra support will be provided.


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