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Thread: Prizes for the MadriDC 2004 stolen/lost

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie Neo_Matrix_IV's Avatar
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    Default Prizes for the MadriDC 2004 stolen/lost

    Today, we were informed that the shipments which contained all the prizes/products (dreamcast hardware/accesories mainly) destined to the competitions/ruffles on the MadriDC were stolen or lost at Barcelona's customs office. It is believed that the company which was supposed to transort the products from Barcelona to Madrid (Extand Sistemas) is to blame for this loss which is over 1500€. Local authorities have been informed and legal are actions againsta the company are to be taken.

    However, that ain't the worst thing... due to the fact we don't have any prizes for the MadriDC, we've been forced to postpone the expo till 26th of June :'(

    In case you have already bought a ticket for the MadriDC and want you money back, we'll send the money back right away.

    Opinions/Comments/Help are wellcomed

    Thanx for your time

  2. #2
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default Prizes for the MadriDC 2004 stolen/lost

    As soon as possible we'll report in english all our investigations. Keep quite, the date for the event has been changed to 26 June 2004.

    Grrrrr !!!! Ron

    This people never played with dreamers and don't know what we're able to do. Sure
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  3. #3
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default Prizes for the MadriDC 2004 stolen/lost

    Queridos amigos, participantes y socios de la Party MadriDC, hoy mártes 18 de mayo, a menos de dos semanas para la celebración de la feria, hemos sabido que todos los regalos y productos que deberían de estar en nuestra gran fiesta de la DC y GP32, han sido robados de la aduana de Barcelona. La empresa encargada del transporte, según nos han comentado, se llama EXTAND Sistemas de Barcelona, no saben lo que pasa y de momento, todos nuestros regalos y demas cosas han desaparecido. Por lo que nos dicen los e-mail ya ha pasado con muchas empresas y con muchos envios.

    Parece ser que tienen varias denuncias porque tienen ya más casos por hurto o desaparición. La aduana de Barcelona les deja que lleven todo y han habido muchos problemas de ese tipo y varias veces, cuando es la aduana de Barcelona la que lo lleva, ha habido retrasos, desapariciones, cobros indebidos...
    Aqui os dejamos sus señas;:

    EXTAND Sistemas
    C/ Monclar 22
    80290 Cerdanyola Spain
    Tel. 93 592 0017

    Un enlace con quejas sobre el funcionamiento:

    Más casos de este tipo por la misma empresa:

    Y esta es la empresa que acoje a Extend Sistemas :

    Por tanto y mientras recibimos de nuevo los materiales y para asegurarnos que todo estará bien, hemos pensado en retrasar la fecha de la feria al sábado 26 de Junio de 2004 para que podamos recibir otra remesa y podamos $#@!plir con nuestros compromisos e incluso mejorar los premios de la misma.

    Lamentamos terriblemente este desagravio y os aseguramos que todo se sabrá caiga quien caiga, el envío que era de gran tamaño, ha desaparecido y creemos que no va a volver a aparecer, dado que a la Party MadriDC no la choriza ningun mozo de aduanas ni ningún transportista desalmando, ni siquiera un importador de pena nos revienta la Party MadriDC a todos los Dreamers que tanto hemos peleado por ella.

    Somos muchos los dreamers que ya sabemos de la gravedad de lo ocurrido y nadie que nos la haya jugado quedará impugne. Gracias por vuestra comprensión y solo os pedimos ánimo para que la party del 26 de junio no se vea oscurecida por miserables actos.

    En caso de que alguno de vosotros hubiese efectuado algún pago de entradas, y que en esta fecha no os venga bien, puede decirnoslo que se lo reembolsaremos inmediatamente y a la mayor brevedad posible. Esperamos que ninguno nos falle y que ademas seamos muchos más.

    Atentamente y muy triste os pide humildemente disculpas a todos.
    Ron Méndez. Comisario de la Party MadriDC 2K4.

    P.D. SI alguien nos puede ayudar o sabe como hacerlo estaremos encantados de poner todo nuestro empeño y tesón para que se resuelva, Gracias de nuevo.
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  4. #4
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default Prizes for the MadriDC 2004 stolen/lost

    Dear friends, participants and partners of the Party MadriDC, today mártes May 18, to less than two weeks for the celebration of the fair, we have known that all the gifts and products that should be AD in our great party of the and GP32, they have been stolen of the customs of Barcelona. The company in charge of the transport, as they have commented us, EXTAND Systems of Barcelona is called, they don't know what happens and at the moment, all our gifts and other things have disappeared. For what you/they tell us the e-mail it has already passed with many companies and with many shippings. It seems to be that they have several accusations because they already have more cases for theft or disappearance. The customs of Barcelona lets them them to take everything and they have had many problems of that type and several times, when it is the customs of Barcelona the one that takes it, there have been delays, disappearances, undue collections ...Aqui leaves you its señas:EXTAND SistemasC / Monclar 22P.I.Polizur80290 Cerdanyola SpainTel. 93 592 0017Un connection with complaints on the operation:ás cases of this type for the same empresa: this it is the company that receives to EXTAND Systems :

    So much and while we receive the materials again and to make sure that everything will be well, we have thought of retarding the date from the fair to Saturday June 26 2004 so that we can receive another remittance and we can fulfill our commitments and even to improve the prizes of the same one.We regret this relief terribly and we assure you that everything will be known he/she falls who falls, the shipment that was of great size, has disappeared and we believe that he/she doesn't appear again, since to the Party MadriDC not the choriza any waiter of customses neither any transport desalmando, an importer of pain not even explodes us the Party MadriDC to all the Dreamers that point has fought for her.We are many the dreamers that we already know about the graveness of that happened and nobody that has played it to us will be it refutes. Thank you for your understanding and alone we request you spirit so that the party of June 26 is not darkened by miserable acts.
    In case some of you has made some payment of entrances, and that in this date he/she doesn't come you well, he/she can tell it that we will reimburse it to him immediately to us and to the biggest possible brevity. We hope none fails us and that we are also more many.Sincerely and very sad he/she apologizes you lowly to all-
    Ron Méndez. Commissary of the Party MadriDC 2K4.

    P.S.: If somebody can help us or he/she knows as making it we will be charmed of putting all our zeal and firmness so that it is solved, Thank you again.P.D.2: If they want to leave some comment/opinion type, please go to this thread of the forum
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  5. #5
    DCEmu Regular WHurricane16's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prizes for the MadriDC 2004 stolen/lost

    Aaarggh...I hope everything works out for you guys :/ I hate thieves, and I also hate careless companies :/

  6. #6
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prizes for the MadriDC 2004 stolen/lost

    Tomorrow we are going to take legal actions against this ..... (better I shut up), so by damage and injuries, they should to carry with the cost of the party, THX for your support friend. THX
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  7. #7
    DCHelp Admin curt_grymala's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prizes for the MadriDC 2004 stolen/lost

    This is truly terrible. There were some incredibly fantastic prizes in that lot. I really hope that you are able to recover your losses.
    DCHelp - A Newbie's Best Friend
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    I Refuse To Help Anyone That Says They've Tried Everything.

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