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Thread: "19 years later" epilogue a bit too much?...doont read if u havent read the book!

  1. #11
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I think another reason for the epilogue might have been something of a conclusion, a wind-down 'moral of the story bit'. Because let's face it, after 7 amazing books, theres got to be a solid moral (apart from the Power Of Love stuff we've been reading the whole way through).

    The whole way through the 7th book Muggles, Wizards and creatures from other species alike, like giants, elves and goblins are being persecuted for not being pure-blooded. Then, on Platform 9 and 3/4, little Albus is worried about being put in Slytherin and Harry bends down and tells him that it doesnt matter how you are classed, you're important all the same. Or words to that effect. I think thats the note JKR wanted to end on so the epilogue was useful in that respect as well.

    Have to agree with all the confusing name stuff though, I had to read back loadsa times to get my head around it!!

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by moblyblob View Post
    I think another reason for the epilogue might have been something of a conclusion, a wind-down 'moral or the story bit'. Because let's face it, after 7 amazing books, theres got to be a solid moral (apart from the Power Of Love stuff we've been reading the whole way through).

    The whole way through the 7th book Muggles, Wizards and creatures from other species alike, like giants, elves and goblins are being persecuted for not being pure-blooded. Then, on Platform 9 and 3/4, little Albus is worried about being put in Slytherin and Harry bends down and tells him that it doesnt matter how you are classed, you're important all the same. Or words to that effect. I think thats the note JKR wanted to end on so the epilogue was useful in that respect as well.

    Have to agree with all the confusing name stuff though, I had to read back loadsa times to get my head around it!!
    understand that thats not my or anyone else's point.... the problem isnt the epilogue its about what should have come before it.....what im saying is that the books left unfinished and that its missing a lot of important information about whats happened after the hogwarts battle...there can be and should be much more put in and im wondering if all that happened is that rowling finally got tired and dint bother putting any more information

  3. #13
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    Hmmm I was just tryin 2 open a new train of thought. I dont think it had anything to do with being tired, this is the final chapter of the 7th book which is supposed to have been written years ago.

    I can see where you're comin from, there are a billion questions left open that I'd have liked answered as well, I was just sayin

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by moblyblob View Post
    ALRIGHT! Lol I DID read the topic, I was just tryin 2 open a new train of thought. I dont think it had anything to do with being tired, this is the final chapter of the 7th book which is supposed to have been written years ago
    which is known too have changed dude....example the last word NOT being scar.....

  5. #15


    lol too much editing...anyways looks like we both get the point

  6. #16


    we can hope rite....maybe thr'll be a pre-epilogue special which will take care of kinda makes sense too..since shed like to keep her sales and revenue up after the last book...

  7. #17
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    The thought just occurred to me that while someone mentioned that we'd like to have known more about certain characters careers, weren't we supposed to also find out what James and Lily did to earn the Gold that is held in Harry's vault.

    We did however learn about Dumbledore and that even in his old age the stone of the Hallows did bring out the greed he had as a teenager, and that even in his wise old age he made mistakes.

    Voldemorts protection over his Horcruxes was a bit strange, I'd have expected that having known that the diary had been destroyed he would have sought to protect the remainder in a similar way to how he had done with the locket, before he persued Harry or the Elder wand.

    I had expected the search for the Horcruxes to have been more dangerous. Though I admit that the room of requirement scene with Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle was certainly interesting. Do you think that Harry and Ron saving Dracos life twice in one night mean that he owes them a life debt?

    I agree that there are many questions left unanswered, and that the epilogue doesn't answer them, but I don't think this is classed as the chapter that JKR wrote years ago. She said she changed it, that characters that weren't origionally going to die have and a character that was going to die got a reprieve. So she has to be referring to the last chapter as being the final battle.

    I feel the reason that Jo left the ending so open is so that true fans can still discuss what happens next, so that we can theorize, so that the books that although finished in theory can still live on.

    However cheezy the epilogue may be I think the whole point was to show that Harry did appreciate Snape in the end.

    Things aren't always as they seem.

  8. #18
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    it's too cheesy that Harry, Ron, and Hermione all survived. Ron got too lucky in all of the rest of the books and in this one. He shouldn't have made it.

  9. #19
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    When i 1st read '19 years later' i too was unsatisfied, but if Jk had told us every little detail of all the living characters future lives i would feel as though the book was at a total close. This way, atleast, HP hasn't truely ended..use your imagination and finish the story yourself!

  10. #20


    Well about the Gold in the vault, maybe james and lily both had life insurance which got added to the vault and the collected interest for 11 years

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