Following the announcement of the new iPad Air, PCR rounds up some top facts and figures about Apple's popular tablet device.
Gadget recycling site CompareMyMobile said that since the Apple announcement:

  • Overall Apple iPad trade-ins rose by 190.06 per cent, while valuations increased with a 293.12 per cent spike
  • iPad tablets lost 1.83 per cent of their trade-in value in 90 days
  • The Apple iPad 2 Wi-Fi 16GB is the most traded-in tablet (11.7 per cent of all tablet trade-ins)
  • The iPad 3 Wi-Fi 4G 32GB lost the most value (11.11 per cent)

Cloud services provider Egnyte also revealed that:

  • For the first nine months of this year, three times more employees used the iPad compared to other tablets
  • In 2012 the iPad was used as a BYOD device for accessing and sharing corporate files over twice as much as any other tablet
  • Over the past three years, the iPad was used nearly 23 times more than any version of the Samsung tablet

And during the Apple iPad Air announcement presentation, Apple stated:

  • 81 per cent of all tablets are iPads
  • The iPad Air is 72 times faster than the iPad 4
  • The new iPad Mini is four times faster in CPU and eight times faster in graphics than the old iPad Mini