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Thread: GCForth News

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    GC GCForth News

    News from the official site:

    I'm planning to release the current version of my Forth (2.0) as a frequently-updated, no-cost beta during August and September. Here is what the pricing scheme will be for the commercial release, which should be in September or November. There will be 3 options for sale:

    1. Download binary (256MB image) and .pdf manual - $30
    2. Printed manual - $50
    3. Mini DVD-R, includes option 1. For people with modded Gamecube's. - $50

    A closed demonstration program is planned. I'll put a video online, for people who aren't set up to run GC programs. I originally thought I would make a game and that would be my demonstration but I decided that I'd rather concentrate on making a good game without having to worry it being a good "demonstration" too.

    The manual will feature entertaining paragraphs, well-organized diagrams, and reference tables. I'm just mentioning that to prepare people who would be expecting the current popular documentation format which sadly consists of endless step-by-step instructions and obvious yet pretensiously-technical-sounding explanations. (Drivel like "The Position Field lets you modify the current object's Position property." We won't be having any of that here.)

    About 6 months after 2.0, 3.0 should be released. 3.0 is going to be a faster, more forgiving, tighter, cleaner, meta-compiling version of 2.0. I have plans to write a seperate Forth that will tap into the 3D and DSP power of the Gamecube and hopefully the Wii. And another for the Windows platform.

    The selling points of my programming language are its simplicity and its custom-tailoredness.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro Man's Avatar
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    This game better be pretty good for 50$.

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