
3DS game saves have long been dumped and had their initial decryption layer fiddled with but owing to an inability to inject content back in the have been few attempts to take it much further than that.

Pokemon uses a slightly different save type (This is one of the major issues currently plaguing Gateway 3DS users who wish to play Pokemon X and Y), but some are saying it might have been an online functionality derived hack. In some ways that would make more sense but the authors of the information are not commenting on the methods used at this point.

Either way, as with normal saves, at this point in time people can not modify Pokemon and reinsert them. However, the format the Pokemon take has been reverse engineered to some extent. Initial plans involve decoding the new structure and a checking program is to be made later, which is fitting as the owner of the popular Pokécheck website and a moderator at Project Pokemon are the ones responsible for this initial breakthrough.

Issued Statement on Project Pokemon said:
Box pkxs are now 232 bytes, as opposed to 136 previously.
Pkxs store the current owner + the original OT for a given pokemon.
The encryption on the pkx files works slightly differently.
Hatched eggs save the moves they hatched with separately for the move relearner