Mounting evidence suggests that Sony and Microsoft will each launch firstparty peripherals for PS4 and Xbox One with virtual reality capabilities.Development sources have told us that PS4’s own “Oculus beater” will launch much sooner than Microsoft’s own wearable tech, of which little is known. It is expected, however, to be an internet-connected headset more akin to Google Glass.The PlayStation VR headset is indeed real and was close to being announced earlier this year, as widely rumoured. The announcement was held back, say our sources, as Sony didn’t want to complicate its messaging before PS4’s launchdate. Devkits have not been sent out to studios just yet, but one contact said that he expected to hear more about it soon – most likely once we’re clear of the launch window. The project should not be confused with Sony’s existing HMZ range of 3D headsets – it is a PlayStation product, designed specifically for use with PlayStation 4, said one developer.Our contacts knew nothing of Microsoft’s own forthcoming wearable tech – but reports across the media, most recently from The Wall Street Journal, describe a broader featureset and a direct competitor to Google Glass. Currently, the reports suggest that it is not explicitly linked with the Xbox division, and none of our contacts have heard anything from Microsoft on the matter, though the platform holder is apparently aware of Sony’s more fully developed VR proposition. The need for Microsoft’s Xbox One to compete with Sony’s PS4 on every viable battlefront suggests that Xbox One-compatible wearable tech is a matter of when, not if.