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Thread: Ubisoft: PS3 Can't Do A.I.!

  1. #11
    DCEmu Regular
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    Jeezzz old are u guys???
    get real...the cell is a mathematic processor. it s very powerfull for physic and thing of this nature... but less efficiant on stuf like IA that use variable<instead of math>...

    That do not mean the ps3 cannot do IA, just less efficiant than the 360 at it.
    like the 360 can handle physic in game but probably not as good as the ps3 can...

    And If company like EA or Ubi do not spend more money on ps3 devellopement it s because ps3 game do not sell enough yet...just look at the sell number for rainbow6, darkness, fightnight, etc... they sold a lot more on the 360. too few peoples own a ps3.

  2. #12
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Who needs Splinter Cell anyway?
    Anytime they do a Splinter Cell game it comes REALLY BAD for the PS2 or PS3, its like we Playstation users always get something bad and guys know WHY!?
    I can almost bet that the reason for this is because WE GET A PORT OF A XBOX GAME THATS WHY!!!
    So don't go saying that the PS3 can't handle A.I., try to do a Splinter Cell from the root up for the PS3.

  3. #13
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10shu View Post
    the cell is a mathematic processor. its very powerfull for physic and thing of this nature... but less efficiant on stuf like IA that use variable<instead of math>...

    That do not mean the ps3 cannot do IA, just less efficiant than the 360 at it.
    like the 360 can handle physic in game but probably not as good as the ps3 can...
    Yo man, you can't even abbreviate Artificial Intelligence properly. The fact that you call the Cell BE a mathematic processor means you don't know what the f*** you are talking about. The simple fact of the matter, is that these lazy developers don't care enough about their products or their customers to make games properly for the Ps3, which is much more powerful and capable. It's easy for those bastards to say it isn't capable of AI instead of admitting they are to lazy and or stupid to figure out how to code for it properly. Go check out what Infinity Ward is doing with COD4 for Ps3. Those guys are real developers, that care about their games and it shows in all their past products. They aren't porting the 360 version, they are coding from the ground up for Ps3. They actually took time out of their schedule to fully port COD2 to Ps3(which we will never see)just so they could understand the system a little better. So when COD4 comes out in full HD at 60 FPS on Ps3, try telling anyone that it's a hardware limitation instead of developer laziness then.

  4. #14
    DCEmu Old Pro Elven6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by end3rbr0 View Post
    Wrong....the Ps3 should get all the great games....
    more power, more disk space(the game medium, not the hdd)more features, not to mention the hardware itself is going to outlive the 360. In 2 years the Ps3 is going to be in full swing, with games so amazing the 360 community will crumble to the point that Microsoft will have to release another $#@!ty console that breaks down all the time. I give 360 a 5 year life cycle from start to finish, where as the Ps3 will be around 10 years from start to finish. That means the Ps3 will still be king 6 years after the 360 is dead and burried. Watch for Ubi Soft and EA losing alot of fan support for not releasing quality titles to it's loyal Playstation fans who have been there to support them through the years. Only to get $#@! on because these companies like EA, Ubi, Activision, 2K Games and Epic to name a few.-(although, Epic are at least cleaning up their act and making an effort to optimize their development for Ps3)-Care more about a dollar, then they do about the people who buy their products.

    Who would they rather upset? 3 million PS3 owners? Or 12 million 360 owners? Their is a huge fan base over at the 360s side, and from what Ive heard from podcasts, Microsoft works closely with their devs making the environment a bit better.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elven6 View Post
    Who would they rather upset? 3 million PS3 owners? Or 12 million 360 owners? Their is a huge fan base over at the 360s side, and from what Ive heard from podcasts, Microsoft works closely with their devs making the environment a bit better.
    Those numbers are inaccurate. The PS3 has sold a confirmed 4.4 million units. The 360 has sold 11 million units. As well, I'd like to point out that 360 sales are entirely bloated. With a 30% failure rate, many 360 owners have probably purchased the console twice or three times due to failing units and $#@!ty support from Microsoft.

    A 30% failure rate, at 10 million consoles means thats 3 million have failed. So in actuality the 360's sales in terms of original purchasers probably sits at about 7 - 6 million, considering that of the 3 million that have failed, users bought 1 to 2 more units as replacement.

  6. #16

  7. #17
    DCEmu Legend
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    Hmm, lets see, an engine made for PC and 360 not working properly on the PS3... Wow, never thought I'd see that day.

    All your point proves is that Ubisoft doesn't want to do the extra work involved on making the engine function properly on the PS3. Had the tables been turned, anyone could give your same dumbass response about the 360 and then of course your common sense would yield the same response I came up with.

    Next time, think before you act.

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by F9zDark View Post
    Those numbers are inaccurate. The PS3 has sold a confirmed 4.4 million units. The 360 has sold 11 million units. As well, I'd like to point out that 360 sales are entirely bloated. With a 30% failure rate, many 360 owners have probably purchased the console twice or three times due to failing units and $#@!ty support from Microsoft.

    A 30% failure rate, at 10 million consoles means thats 3 million have failed. So in actuality the 360's sales in terms of original purchasers probably sits at about 7 - 6 million, considering that of the 3 million that have failed, users bought 1 to 2 more units as replacement.
    Sorry but you can't prove it. I don't know any person who bought a second 360 console because the first one didn't work anymore. A normal person would send it to Microsoft and then it will be replaced, it means you are not buying another console.

  9. #19
    DCEmu Reviewer Shadowblind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F9zDark View Post
    Hmm, lets see, an engine made for PC and 360 not working properly on the PS3... Wow, never thought I'd see that day.

    All your point proves is that Ubisoft doesn't want to do the extra work involved on making the engine function properly on the PS3. Had the tables been turned, anyone could give your same dumbass response about the 360 and then of course your common sense would yield the same response I came up with.

    Next time, think before you act.
    Somehow I doubt Ubisoft's playing favorites. If that was true, then why is EA having a hard time as well? And please, no need to use obscene words. the 360 no doubt has some weakness. before it was the RROD, but since that has been long resolved, it has to have another weakness. We just haven't found one yet. Regardless, the PS3 is durable as he**. But its games, among many other things, are the problem with it.

    So I doubt it. The Unreal 3 engine works fine on computer and perfect on Xbox. But like SEGA (was it Sega?) said on Final Inertia, the PS3 just has problems with it.

  10. #20
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    I hardly doubt it is the laziness of the developers, fanboys just have nothing better to do than to argue.

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