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Thread: [RELEASE] Xandu's Media Player 1.2d {NOW WITH CUSTOM SKINS AND ID3V2!!}

  1. #71
    PSP Coder -Xandu-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by punkonjunk View Post
    ID3v2? why can't I just copy music over from my library? The older version played stuff, but this one won't. Also, is there a reason the player doesn't support m4a and wma file types? I know they're proprietary, but I can't imagine you'd get in any trouble just for creating software just to interpret them.
    iTunes converts them automatically, I'll look into this problem.

    And as for the WMA and M4A support, I simply didn't have time to add support for these yet. I may add them in future versions.

  2. #72
    DCEmu Rookie
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    I don't have itunes, I just rip them off CD's with Windows media player. :P

  3. #73
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    Alright, well, at this point... it really seems like there is no reason to use this media player rather than the PSP's embedded one. I mean, the only real convienience is that I can browse my music in a similar folder layout to my computers, but it isn't hard to just copy the album folders instead of an artist folder. It's actually a bit easier on me.

    Could you possible explain why this would one-up the PSP's media player?

    The built in one works right away, on my homebrew enabled PSP. No problems, plays all my file types - WMA, mp3, m4a, ect. No ogg files, so I don't need to worry about it.
    It works well, and now that I know how to turn off the screen, it's not like it's much of a battery drain.

    Xandu's PSP iPod media player DOES NOT support two of the file types I use the most - m4a and wma.
    That's a huge disadvantage to me, and others.
    Your media player also does not support my music without these crazy id3v2 tags. Look, I'm not an apple $#@!, I don't know what is up with iTunes, I hate iPods because it's $#@!tier than a PSP for triple the cost, but the media player would be neat, if it had something more to offer.
    Additionally, it may be louder, but it frequently "crackles" with all of my headphones, including the PSP ones.
    it has NO remote support, which I can imagine would only be a few mere lines of code compared to a feature like skinning and theming.

    If iTunes converts something automatically, great.

    But you better hope all the judges on the panel are apple $#@!s, or they'll probobly see this the same way as me. I'm not trying to be uselessly cruel, honestly, it would probobly take just a few hours of hard work and a bit of QA to get this program at about 100x better than the PSP's built in media player. And although it might be just me, I'm sure there are quite a number of people who've downloaded it and it wouldn't play their music, or didn't support the remote, or something, and they were like "**** it, the PSP has a better damn media player"
    The problem with this kind of media player is there is a simple, free, built in alternative. You need to give it something MORE than what sony already gave us.

  4. #74
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    I hate to agree with rants criticizing homebrew software but I agree. I use either Sony's or mp3lite. Sony's is overall the best there is so far for general use while mp3 lite is fine long term listening such as while working out, walking, etc for good battery use.

    The thing I like about Sony's is control over music. The fast forward feature especially. Also the volume features on some apps like this seem useless. As mentioned, you get crackled audio. But I consider this constructive criticism. I may not like some homebrew audio apps as well as Sony's but I'm sure not against anyone doing better than theirs. To anyone who can code such an app, you have more talent, or perhaps patience, in your pinky than I have as a whole. It may seem like some here don't appreciate or understand the time and talent put into these apps, but I'm sure everyone does appreciate it.

  5. #75
    PSP Coder -Xandu-'s Avatar
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    Hmm, thanks for the critics, it gives one more suggestions on how to improve their product.

    As for the exclusive features it has, you can say (Lyrics, OGG support, IT,MOD,S3M support). And I'm planning on adding a visualizer and an equalizer in future versions maybe. And more formats .

  6. #76
    DCEmu Coder HomerSp's Avatar
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    @punkonjunk, you obviously don't understand the difficulty and time needed in adding m4a and wma support to xmp. It's just not a simple copy-paste from a windows app and there are no (I think) psp apps which support those formats.
    If you're gonna say that "the built-in player has support for them and is free" then first of all, it's not free. When you buy the psp you also buy an license which gives you an unlimited amount of official updates, including all the applications that comes with it.
    Secondly, yes it does support those formats. But think like this, Sony is a huge company with thousands of employers, and Xandu is just one person who does it for fun.

  7. #77
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    I got a problem...
    I'm on a firmware 3.52 M33-4 and when I start XMP, I have the image with NeoFlash and Summer Code Competition but then I always got a black screen "Press Start to Restart".
    I changed the kernel and used the different patches but I always have the same thing.
    "Press Start to Restars" !

    (Sorry if I made mistakes, I'm french...)

  8. #78
    PSP Coder -Xandu-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by climt View Post
    I got a problem...
    I'm on a firmware 3.52 M33-4 and when I start XMP, I have the image with NeoFlash and Summer Code Competition but then I always got a black screen "Press Start to Restart".
    I changed the kernel and used the different patches but I always have the same thing.
    "Press Start to Restars" !

    (Sorry if I made mistakes, I'm french...)
    Where have you placed the XMPBETA folder?

  9. #79
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I tried GAME and GAME150...
    I also tried XMP 1.2c.
    It started but I got the same results when I tried to enter the library.

  10. #80
    PSP Coder -Xandu-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by climt View Post
    I tried GAME and GAME150...
    I also tried XMP 1.2c.
    It started but I got the same results when I tried to enter the library.
    Check that you have music files in PSP/MUSIC or MUSIC. And also check that they don't have any foreign characters.

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