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Thread: Yabause 0.8.6 Released

  1. #1
    The Long Claw of the Law BlueCrab's Avatar
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    sat Yabause 0.8.6 Released

    Its been less than two months, yet there's already a new release of Yabause. Today, the Yabause team released Yabause 0.8.6 for all platforms that it supports . This version is mostly a bugfix release.

    As for fixes, there was a change to the 68k core to make it so that the emulator doesn't crash if for some reason a game jumps to an invalid address. There were also a few fixes in the VDP1 core, most importantly however was a fix for a bug that caused local coordinate commands not to be executed.

    Anyway, you can download it from here.
    Sylverant PSO Server #dreamcastdev #dcemuuk #yabause #ljsdcdev

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular yoshinatsu's Avatar
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    Tha... That linux Saturn emulator?!???!??!?!
    It's still alive?!?!?!?!?!?

  3. #3
    The Long Claw of the Law BlueCrab's Avatar
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    Yes, yes it is.
    Sylverant PSO Server #dreamcastdev #dcemuuk #yabause #ljsdcdev

  4. #4
    SEGA Saturn specialist RockinB's Avatar
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    That's great news!

    One of the last Saturn emulators that still gets updated. This is your choice if you got a slower computer system.

  5. #5


    Hey, I'm loving the work BlueCrab.

    Some of the boys and I over at ASSEMbler have been discussing on the topic of this emulator, and I've had a few inexperienced ideas, although I don't know how much optimization and tweaking you've done to it so far. My main idea (though I'm sure you've heard this before, maybe that's even how the emu works) was to virtualize the SH2s instead of emulating, such as how VMware or VirtualPC works. Also, is a frameskip implemented? On SSF on my PC, it bumps Nights from about 30-40 fps to a stable 60.

    I'd love to see this working sometime, Saturns and copies of Nights are outrageously expensive here in Canada.


  6. #6
    The Long Claw of the Law BlueCrab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djcrazymonkey View Post
    Hey, I'm loving the work BlueCrab.

    Some of the boys and I over at ASSEMbler have been discussing on the topic of this emulator, and I've had a few inexperienced ideas, although I don't know how much optimization and tweaking you've done to it so far. My main idea (though I'm sure you've heard this before, maybe that's even how the emu works) was to virtualize the SH2s instead of emulating, such as how VMware or VirtualPC works. Also, is a frameskip implemented? On SSF on my PC, it bumps Nights from about 30-40 fps to a stable 60.

    I'd love to see this working sometime, Saturns and copies of Nights are outrageously expensive here in Canada.

    If you're talking specifically about the Dreamcast version (which it seems like you are), then the topic in the Dreamcast section would probably be a more appropriate place to post.

    Anyway, to answer your questions: I've worked on a "virtualization" type core for Yabause-DC, but its not at a very good state (i.e., it doesn't work at all); and frameskip is not implemented at all. As I've said to a couple of other people, my main problem with Yabause-DC is the lack of time I have to devote to the project. As I get time, I try to implement new stuff, but most of the big things I could do to speed of the Dreamcast port would either A) take WAY too long to implement cleanly, or B) require rewriting large tracts of the internal parts of the emulator in SH-4 Assembly. Problem A, I've touched on above, and B is also bad in the case of something that is a work in progress. As the core of Yabause changes, I don't want to have to keep backporting the portable C code to the assembly version that I'd have to maintain. Essentially making a SH-4 Assembly version would involve almost a complete fork of the project in order to optimize speed the most (which is obviously a bad idea for something that is still very much a work in progress, and would take far more time than I have to devote to the project at this moment).
    Sylverant PSO Server #dreamcastdev #dcemuuk #yabause #ljsdcdev

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