For the first time in series' history, Nintendo is celebrating its most recent Pokémon games by issuing a gigantic soundtrack collection.

As noted in our review of the games, Pokémon X and Y feature a massive overhaul in the game's audio. Older entries in the franchise are almost obsolete when compared to the new arrangements and technologies used in Xand Y, and the more modern soundtrack lends much to the game's atmosphere.

Thanks to Nintendo and the iTunes Store, you can now purchase all 200-plus songs on the Pokémon X/Y soundtrack for $9.99. As a bonus, the "super soundtrack collection" also includes "a battle game music track" from the upcoming Pokémon Origins animated miniseries, as well as five songs from Pokémon Red and Blue created by original composer Shota Kageyama.

Alongside this announcement, Nintendo has also revealed plans to release future Pokémon soundtrack collections. Throughout 2014, the company will issue music collections for every game in the series, dating back to Pokémon Fire Red and Leaf Green. It's currently unknown when these soundtracks will appear, or what price point they might feature.