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Thread: RPG Maker On PSP? (Not A Lame Porting Question)

  1. #1

    Default RPG Maker On PSP? (Not A Lame Porting Question)

    I've already asked about porting RPG Maker 2000/2003 to systems, and I know it can't be done. That's not what this is about.

    If you think about it, the PSP can already play an RPG Maker. RPG Maker for the PS1!!!

    I bought it when it came out in 97-98 or so, and didn't really spend that much time with it, but I was thinking... It has a sprite editor in it right? I could redo a bunch of sprites and stuff from the PC RPG Maker and use them on the PS1 version.

    My question is, would I be able to post them somehwere (like here)? The original took up a whole memory card, but the PSP shouldn't have any restriction on size other then how big your memory card is. I could make a bunch of sprites and crap and upload the PSX4PSP emulator save.

    Would there be any demand for this?

    It'd be pretty cool in my opinion... Even though the PS1 RPG Maker kinda sucks. Think about sharing RPGs that you've made, just by uploading a file thats a few MB big. :thumbup:

  2. #2


    that would be really awesome if you could port some of the rpgmaker games

  3. #3


    dude thats exactly what i was thinking thats why i recently got rpg maker on my psp and started makin a game! but for as far as the entire sharing games goes i was thinking about that and using the cw cheat 2 load sprites and games but 4 sum reason it wont work!? idk if im not doin it right or if its just the way the game set up is. could u guys check up on that for me and reply because i really want to get a movement started again with old gem of a gem on a new portable system.

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