A special "Battlefield Appreciation" event for Battlefield 4 will be hosted November 28 through December 5, DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson announced in a press release to the media. During that timeframe, all players that complete an online multiplayer match will receive double the amount of XP. Troedsson expressed his displeasure in the game's issues following its launch, which included a DDOS attack on the Battlefield 4 PC servers and numerous crashing issues on PS4.

"While some platforms have had only minor problems, others have had more than their fair share of issues. Resolving the launch issues is our #1 priority," Troedsson wrote. "In fact, we are so serious that we have the entire team working to stabilize the game and we will not move on to other projects until we are sure that Battlefield 4 meets – and exceeds – your expectations. It is the right thing to do."

To end the event, players that log in to the game on December 5 will receive a M1911 pistol scope, usable in every class in the game, formerly reserved for those on the DICE development team.
